WoW Classic Season of Mastery Coming Soon

tab is better than coke zero

Can I play in the beta too? South Africans allowed to play too, yeah?

I am gonna just wait a few hours before trying again. I am not gonna stress myself out because Blizzard is incompetent.

I mean if anything I think they should bring in the one from legion Again it’s not an automatic grouping but the thing is the one in tbc It’s 2 Is bear bones I don’t know about your server but nobody uses it on mine.

All you would have to do is remove the teleport to dungeon functionality on it and that would be fine

You mean actually doing the quests in the zone and actually being inappropriate level to go to the next one madness you don’t have to spend hours with mindless grinding madness.


I’ll play tomorrow morning South African time, then you’ll all be asleep!

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what time can we access beta?

It is live now

We wouldn’t need an XP boost if the questing experience was adjusted to allow for better collaborative play. People want to fast-forward through leveling because its a primarily single-player experience in an MMO. Only at level 60 do the players reach any form of synchronization. Tons of people love leveling in WoW, and I do too, I just hate that I can’t really do it with friends. These things hold us back:

  1. Progress isn’t synced during quests. When quest items drop, not all group members can loot them. When objects require interacting, that interaction doesn’t always affect all the group members. When an item is collected from the ground, it despawns and only allows one player to pick it up.

  2. Quest chains - The second 1 player does 1 part of a quest chain, they instantly become de-synchronized from other player who join the group afterwards. This is a big issue; If I’m on step 5 and my friend joins on step 2, we’re more likely to progress independently from that point forward than we are to get each other synchronized. Just drop the prerequisite quest completion requirement and allow players to always share quests.

  3. Travel - If im in Felwood and my friend logs in the Blasted Lands, we have a problem. It’s going to take either player the better part of 20 minutes just to arrive in the same location. The game needs a better fast-travel system that allows for more “Drop-in, Drop-out” gameplay. There’s many ways to fix this, but one I would propose is to allow players to teleport to one another by consuming their hearthstone cooldown.

“Allow players to progress and experience all content together.” needs to be a core principal of WoW’s future game design, because its honestly the biggest thing holding both classic and retail back.

Mage boosts, and dungeon grind groups, and etc. are not always about “Speed-running”, often the biggest player motivation I observe is that players want to get “Caught-up”. I would stop by making it so players who fall behind aren’t punished by being alone.


Can you ELI5 how to find the beta server on the launcher?

I have been playing this game for months with friends and genuinely none of those issues have affected me in the slightest. It legitimately just sounds like you are super lazy. I had a group of like 10 players starting from level 1 all the way through level 40. playing together in dungeons, meeting eachother in the world. Not even for an hour did I not have a friend with me throughout 40 levels. I have no idea what you are on about.

Do you have WoW Classic (not TBCC) installed?

I have ptr created active sub but i dont see classic mastery seasonal in my app

Beta =/= PTR.

i should change blizz app to beta and restart? i did it still no fix

to all the players that trolled nobody wants fresh
 LOL :laughing:
and this is just beta test. sheesh

You shouldn’t anyways lmao, it’s a beta that’ll get wiped so

What if nobody finds any bugs because the game is 50 years old? :skull:

I’ve played for about 15 minutes dude it’s literally World of Warcraft I don’t understand!

I don’t think so. I was raiding with 3 characters in classic with one them always clearing the current content. My guild was decent and had requirements for WB’s. Honestly, everyone hated it so much and often times would lose a few players here and there because of the insane time it takes to gather every buff to be competitive.

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As somebody who played the original Vanilla back in 2005 and had no interest in playing Classic
 Season of Mastery honestly appeals much more to me.

  • The faster leveling is a plus because I don’t need to spend an eternity running around the world looking for quest hubs that were my level.
  • The world buff meta nerf → Yes, thank you. I’d like to be able to play the game inbetween raids.
  • Possibly overhauled bosses? Vanilla was only hard because we were all a bunch of noobs who didn’t know what we were doing. Having people walk in first night basically clearing the whole dungeons isn’t how it was in vanilla. We spent weeks and months just to get our world firsts. Raids not being a solved puzzle right at the start is nice. Having the fights be on retail difficulty and not requiring 40 people would be nice.
  • Faster cycle is nice. Not having to sit around forever waiting for Naxxramas which was the best raid probably ever released.

Please consider:

  • Please remove or change weapon skill to TBC expertise where it does not increase melee dmg. This means edgemasters are not forever bis and human/orc racial not preferred for PVE.
  • Dropping raid requirement from 40man to 20man. This might mean we can get gear before next phase. Alternatively increase number of loot drops from bosses.
  • Please reduce trash clear in AQ which was just a horrible yawn fest, specifically from huhu to orou.
  • Please do not over tune, where the raid takes over three/four hours to clear. Shorter raids are more feasible time commitments and also more fun. This was the only perk to world buffs imo.
  • Please give all high level herbs a low % drop chance of black lotus, similar to arcane crystal.
  • Please nerf Orc hardiness to that of TBC.
  • Give all priests fear ward and rework ‘some’ alliance racials so that they are competitive in respect to horde racials.
  • Introduce TBC talents for Classic Fresh, justification is more with hybrid classes in mind. Boom/Ret/S Priest.
  • Give warlocks Incinerate at 60 and TBC CoE variant.
  • Give NE priests their TBC variant of elunes grace + starshards.
  • Give mages Arcane Blast at 60 if TBC talents are in so arcane is a viable raid spec.
  • Bring in achievements.
  • Pet battles as a novelty.