Did PVP happen on a PVP server AGAIN ?
agreed. i know it was advertised battlegrounds would come later, and plenty of people highly suggested “lol no seriously, please releas battlegrounds as soon as honor comes out, its not a great idea to separate the two”. as the plan for classic is to release the phases over the year and then just leave the game as-is, it makes very little difference to open battlegrounds right now. considering they will then be open for years, assuming blizz doesnt plan on rolling back phases.
no hard feelings from me, but im letting my subscription expire until battlegrounds. ill be back, but holy hell the current state is abysmal.
you must be new… I’ll fill you in… In this game of Classic we refer to the modern WoW BFA pile of hot garbage as “Retail”
Silence, evil undead. I will slay a thousand of you filthy rotting carcases and I will laugh while doing it!
It sure did, can you believe it? crazy huh…
I think they should completely re-design the game to remove this pvp non-sence and name it something like “Battle for Azeroth”
Eh, whatever. i’ll be camping scarlet monastery entrance until sub runs out. if you make it past me, enjoy your SM cloth hat, you earned it.
I never said nor do I claim that being a better PVP player means a low level taking out high levels. Instead, those in danger have to find ways to avoid being “ganked”, which is possible and does take a lot of work, focus and attention, OR, roll on PVE.
There is NOTHING new or surprising about the PVP Honor system from WoW. This came out 15 years ago. Feigning surprise and anger and blaming Blizzard is just ridiculous.
15 years ago in Vanilla wow:
pve content was tuned harder( ragnaros died for the first time, on SOME servers, 2 weeks AFTER the honor system released)
dungeon gear took longer to get and wasn’t the more powerful, reworked versions that we have on patch 1.12
Server populations were lower
there was a smaller percentage of 60’s as it relates to overall sever population
this result was easily foreseeable, and I do think it is reasonable to blame blizzard.
Nice try, but even though it’s not 100% the same, it’s definitely close to the same as original release.
cool story bro
I wouldn’t expect much in the way of any mechanics changes. Blizz might allow Pvp to Pve transfers at some point but, probably not tomorrow or the next day…
They could do many things to address the situation if they chose to. Even making HKs not obtainable in raid groups might help a bit. Making characters below a certain level range (perhaps at the same rate quests go grey) either unattackable or a DK would go a long way to solving the problem. Don’t hold your breath though.
Rolling PvE on servers i don’t wanna be ganked on. Why would you expect otherwise if you roll PvP? Serious question.
getting ganked, and getting camped to the point you cant even play the game because of roaving packs of geared 60’s trying to honor farm are 2 different things.
Well consider this a life lesson. You decided to roll on a PVP server. Choices have consequence. Why do you think Blizzard is responsible for your poor choices?
You are not even playing the game if you are playing on a pve server. It’s called World of Warcraft not World of Farmville. That being said roaving packs of 60’s “farming honor” hardcore camping people trying to level or get to dungeons to gear up, is not how vanilla was or was meant to be. It’s a classic problem with many contributing factors, all of which should have been accounted for by blizzard before causing this toxic mess.
I’d hope that you realize that there are several reasons I rolled horde:
- Alliance can suck it
- Horde has the best looking aesthetic characters
- All of my friends rolled horde
- I played Horde and Horde only when I FIRST started to play WoW, years ago
- Alliance can suck it
I have been a Horde player and will ALWAYS be a Horde player. I’ve had all of my fair shares of PvP from Pservers to live WoW. I was a HARDCORE player when TBC and WotLK xpac were around. Biggest achievement was hitting 2.2k mmr in 3’s and 2.4k in 2’s as a resto druid. So, don’t go around stating, “The only reason you chose to go… blah blah blah.” I don’t care if there was an instant BG queue or a 4 hours queue, I’m not going to complain, why? Because I’m enjoying the game how it is. I don’t need instant gratification and I don’t complain about PvP. Oh, did that offend you? PvP happening on a PvP server? Regardless if it’s low level camping or not? I don’t get the sad pathetic souls out there.
How did yall NOT realize this would happen? That is a serious question BTW. It was so obvious it hurts. You should have rolled on a PvE server then this would not be an issue. But you CHOSE to roll on a PvP server and now you’re complaining about PvP happening. On a PvP server?
By your reply, it is clear the only PvP you enjoy is when it’s 10 v3, so you can feel good about yourself. You are Ignorant if you actually believe PvP servers are going to survive, because the horde community chose the norm when they knew better. You are the reason they will fail, you were scared and won’t admit it. When the ratio is 10:90 and you cannot do bgs, you will be in here next asking for server transfers. Nice work.