WoW Classic Pre-Launch Test Today at 11:00 a.m. PDT

Every stress test has been during work hours for NA. They are in for a rude awakening come launch day…


Ahh. This is why the forums are being wonky.

What makes you think people interested in classic wow all have 120’s?

Impossible for 9-5 workers on east coast but I’ll be there after! Hope you get your desired stress results!

You are doing it wrong, have the Paladin hold your arrows.


For the Dark Lady!!! I errrr mean… Horde!!!

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Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme!







Nothing in particular. It was more to point out the overall population of people interested in Warcraft as a whole.

The number of 120 characters is often used to loosely suggest player numbers. While everyone can create alts, it’s likely that europeans aren’t more or less likely to make alts than we are, so the overall numbers should still be somewhat suggestive.

Either way, the point was that it’s long been believed by those who track those numbers that Europe has more players than NA. Particularly if you consider that NA includes OCE in it’s numbers.

Unless we’re to assume that Classic WoW is a unique NA feature, or that Americans and Canadians are somehow more liable to be interested? I suspect that interest is probably fairly even, but population numbers are not.


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Do I get to keep my lvl 15 when Classic officially launches?

No. Everyone starts at 1, when it opens.

thank you!

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I officially re-subbed last night. It’s been nearly two years. Now that we’re in the window where I can access the pre-launch test and launch on the first month’s sub, the time was right. Feels good.

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11:02, servers are still offline.

Not enough wheelchair emotes in the world.

It’s been 2 minutes and I still can’t connect!

flips over table, starts fires, starts new revolutionary government system worshipping a deity who is hideous and undescribable


can confirmed servers not up yet

I just had a very small update to dl
Should be soon

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You would think they would have the servers up and running BEFORE they open the connection to players…you know, to make sure the damn thing starts lol.