WoW Classic Info Thread for WrA

I am unsure if I want to try and recreate the same feeling with my first little nublet rogue Typhoid or do something new.

Narrowing things down I want to be horde, definitely not Shaman (loathed the totem quests) a caster or maybe a hunter. Leaning toward Undead or Troll

Obviously, I can’t be my panda self (though Jian was around right after Ragnaros was defeated).

I long for the feel of old school hunter, so I’m probably gunna roll a hunter at some point, along with one of every other class for exploration reasons. May not level all of them, but it will help find one I enjoy.

Once I do find it, though, I’ll be kicking names and taking booty all day.

Moon Guard refugee here. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen any mention of Classic over on our side of the sandbox. Are there currently any themed guilds or communities forming for Classic RP? IE Lordaeron focused, Argent/Scarlet focused, etc. etc.

I know that the Classic forums has a guild recruitment section, although I haven’t seen anything by way of roleplay guilds there yet.

I know my RP group is looking at Hordeside again (we’ve been Alliance for most of the last 3 years), but we don’t have the guild name and theme fixed.

I might come out of my isolation and join a guild again on the Classic server, just because that version of the game was a lot harder to play alone.

Man, race and class selection seems so limited. Should I be a hunter or a rogue? So difficult to choose.

In Classic, there were probably fifty rogues for every hunter you saw. And there were probably hundreds of hunters.

Now double it - because most of the big streamers on the private servers and beta played rogue. So a lot of peoples’ ideas are somewhat tainted - not because they want to BE like said streamer, but because of all the scumbag things a rogue can do. Like 1v5 people (or even higher), glitch up certain buildings, harass characters 20+ levels higher than them, and be able to do EVERYTHING almost Batman-style.

The saturation will probably lead to a lot of boring gameplay if you keep running into a bunch of rogues / are competing for everything over and over.

Hunters are the staple class of WoW because of how broken and stupid it is. Sums me up pretty well.

Good hunters are hard to come by and are really valued. Obviously, rogues are too, but I guess if you care about uniqueness then I’d pick hunter. You’ll probably have a large pool of people to ask questions if you go rogue, though.


I mean Classic wow will obviously need skilled, charismatic and dependable hunters like us, Buliss, so I guess I’ll continue to be a hunter.

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Spilled my coffee laughing at this.

I mained a rogue in Vanilla. Can confirm the scumbag things.

But man, were they fun. So fun. As long as I got that stunlock off, so very, very fun.


So many hours stealth’d and just using distract to drive people crazy.

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Y’all are making me want to play a rogue. I never did, back in the day.

Now I have three on this server, but apparently it’s pretty different.

Rogue and hunter.

Hydrocane & Eye of the Beast in Hillsbrad :clown_face:

I was kicking the idea of a Tauren warrior for a while, but in the end I settled on undead. One, the warrior quests for undead early on are way better than the crappy other horde ones. And two, Will of the Forsaken is actually gonna be good again. Warlocks can’t hold me down.

And yeah, it was never a choice of class. What do you think I am, something OTHER than a one trick pony?




/complete sentence.

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Welp, I’ll probably be heading to the RP-PvP server. Hope to see you guys there.

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I definitely plan to split my time between the RP-PvP server and whichever RP server my guildies would like to go to! Still maining Alliance either way though, so I’ll see you all on the battlefield. :sunglasses:

Server names announced:

|Name|Type|Time Zone|

|Bloodsail Buccaneers|RP|Eastern|

That name has always reminded me of the villain from the animated G.i Joe movie from the 80s

Guess I’ll be rolling there.