Here’s some basic info to start us off:
We’ll know realm names and types later this week. We can reserve 3 character names on Monday, August 12 at 3:00 p.m. PDT. WoW Classic releases worldwide on Monday, August 26 at 3:00 p.m. PDT and we’ll be able to have 10 characters per realm.
There is no overlap regarding character limits with World of Warcraft, so if you have 50 characters in Battle for Azeroth you can create 50 more in Classic.
Kirsy come play on the realm I’m going to play on so we can /wave at each other
So no word on server names yet? I must know where wyrmies will be.
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Did you change your clothes?
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I will, but I won’t be Kirsy bc no blood elves
Not sure who I’m gonna be, or what. In Vanilla, I was a human rogue and a human mage mostly, and a tauren hunter (but didn’t play her).
Yes, changed armor to my favorite set and changed my hair back to its usual color and style. The red hair and shorter cut was new as of…end of Legion?
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I hope to see you many lovely people on the server the Vol’kar picks. Even though we butt heads a lot, and I’ve made myself look like a… big… butt (i guess?) I do enjoy the community that WrA has.
I am ready to help build our new Classic community!! 
The Argent Dawn is still weak and small. The Forsaken are only four years old as a people. Naxxramas looms in the distance, a constant reminder that our presence is not wanted, by either the living or the dead. The Bulwark is nothing more than a checkpoint, a desperate attempt to hold the scourge back.
We are survivors. We are defiant. We. Are. Forsaken.
I am a little sad that I don’t play a vanilla race so I can’t just recreate a low rez version of myself.
Guess I’ll just hang out with those lost one mobs in blasted lands
So who’s in on that pact to choose the same server. I want to see everyone at Crossroads either attacking or defending.
I’ll make a deal with you. You hold the Crossroads, I’ll make sure the Dark Lady (WHO HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG AS OF THIS MOMENT) keeps her banner planted in Tarren Mill.
Ima be out lookin’ for my homie Mankrik’s wife
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I have some disturbing news for you. You might want to sit down…
I’m in! Gonna remake my good ol’ night elf hunter I started this game with. I reckon odds are pretty good the name will be available.
No. Do not ruin this for me.
My mans asked me to help, and I’m gonna.
You know what? I’m looking forward to seeing all the ol’ gang from Auberdine alive and kicking again. I miss those elves.
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I’m still so on the fence on if I want to make living Scarlet Crusade Paladin Sara or not. On one level it’d be cool. On another level, she was a zealot and a pain in the butt back then. D: