WoW Classic Hotfixes -- Updated November 16

Alliance players are reporting that they still can see the AV bg #s and that they are still able to premade with more than 5 people… Could you please provide an update on this?

Can you see the BG numbers?
If not, you might be getting trolled.

Ive not been in game yet to see

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People are suspecting the presence of artificial delays in alliance queueing on oceanic realms, is this a mistake? Will it be addressed? I am only the messager…

I am glad abut the Gadgetzan changes and Guard behaviors etc.

And I think the change, even if not in Classic is justified.

I want to play Classic as it was meant to be played, not have Classic Bugs and Exploits… This is so many years later, and back then the bugs were mitigated by the fact that only few people were aware of them. Today the majority are so it warrants the response it received.

Other than this, I think that there is some artificial mechanism behind Hunter play. Can you please remove the Dampening Field?

Please fix hunters. Some of the bugs from the artificial spell batching are game breaking for some hunter mechanics working or not.

They’re not messing with spell batching even though its 100% hot garbage.

That means hunters will be like this for the remainder of classic’s life.

2005 spell batching in a game where internet has blazing speeds and low end gaming machines are monsters is a complete joke.

What they need to do is give a few spells “priority” in the spell batch system.

For example spell interrupts, feign death, exc. Should have priority to function properly.

If I FD .5 seconds before a spell cast finishes it should reliability prevent the spell cast unless resisted. Same with counter spell, kick, and other interrupts. I’ve used FD on the last second of a pyroblast with no resists and the enemy spell still goes off. Spell batching can be made to work IF they give priority to interrupts and Target drops.

The GZ changes have done little to fix the issues.

The quest [Lunar Festival] is a little wonky, I only got quest credit for shooting the fireworks in Ironforge, it didn’t work in Stormwind

Amazing hotfix guys, Just come out of a premade which was 90% premade from BoK members on arugal alliance.

be smart and remove this, and report through the closed channels

Can you hot fix where I join a AV 40min in just to lose a few min later. I mean after a point of time no one should be able to join a game that’s at its end. Complete waste of a 1hr Q. or can we have Horde on Horde since alliance isn’t pvping.


I think blizz forgot to update this thread this week


no you deserve to sit and cry as alli im glad at whats going on make alli quit and let us have private servers once again and let blizzards company die and they have only themselves to blame…

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Notice how they say nothing here about their hot fixes to AV q’s this week. Well done blizz, well done (this is sarcasm btw)

Oh, i dont think you are going to have a ton of Pirate Servers again.
There is no such thing as Private servers, because WoW is not legally available for any kind of private use, free or otherwise.

And classic makes it commercially active IP

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I’ve updated the OP with a recent hotfix:

  • Battleground scoreboards no longer list the enemy team until your entire team has clicked Enter Battleground. The scoreboard remains visible for everyone once the battleground has started.

the alliance are going to be mad at this one

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Doesn’t this change greatly improve things for the Alliance who aren’t in premades?


You forgot to update the thread title to the current date. It helps when that’s current to ensure visibility to your response.

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