WoW Classic Era Realm Connections Coming May 18

Same with Grobbulus, however the server still has a few RP guilds that RP daily.

Will BB be by itself as well because its the only RP realm?

The reality is that many of them will be underpopulated in TBC as well. What will happen to these realms for the TBC era?

Because server transfers are $25 each.


Excellent question.

Maybe think about including Remulos in this realm group since Mankrik has a thriving OCE population already.


EDIT - Well, I just tested this and it looks like no, you can’t. But if someone has your name before they are connected it will work.

Also, this information may apply. Might not too since Classic is different.

Connected Realms are a set of two or more realms that have been permanently and seamlessly “linked.” When you play on a Connected Realm:

  • The Auction House is shared between your realm and the realms connected to it
  • You can join a guild created on the realm connected to yours
  • You can trade and exchange mail with players on the realm connected to yours
  • You can party for Mythic dungeons and Mythic raids with players on the realm connected to yours

Thanks for making me think about it. Hope this info helps.

I am in a guild that has 3 sub guilds spread across connected realms in retail. It works very well to help make the dying servers feel more populated without losing your name or even the feel.

Sure, it will feel a little different because there will be new people around, but a straight merge is the same, with the downside of losing your name.

Yes. Being branded to your old server has no place in a community driven game.


So I have Horde on Earthfury, and Alliance on Herod. Apparently both of these realms will be connected. Will I be able to play both factions? or do I need to choose one?

u play both

This is amazing!

Are there plans to do this for TBC so that arena isn’t dead day 1?

uhh i have horde on benediction and alliance on heartseeker, what happens if i copy one of each?

How many classic rp realms are there> just the 3?

BB has no other Realm to be “connected to”, as it’s the ONLY one of its type, in Classic. The only way for us to be connected is to lose our “RP” Status and just turned into a regular PvE Server (which I don’t want).

I’m not sure why Grobb and DD aren’t connected, as they are BOTH RP-PvP.


3, but only ONE is JUST RP (no PvP). 2 are RP-PvP.

(EST) Bloodsail Buccaneers: RP (74% Alliance and 26% Horde) Medium Pop
(EST) Deviate Delight: RP-PvP (63% Alliance and 37% Horde) Low Pop
(PST) Grobbulus: RP-PvP (62% Alliance and 38% Horde) High Pop

A/H Ratio found from:

EDIT 2: Only reason I can think of (as to why we’re not being connected) is because we are RP Servers (including the RP-PvP ones), and it’ll break our immersions. IK not too many understand that, but it makes sense, from my point of view.


I feel like the best solution here would be to allow us to transfer to the [Arugal, Felstriker, and Yojamba] merge. Even though it’d be a PvE -> PvP transfer.

The alternative of having to transfer to a US realm and having to deal with the ~14hr timezone difference and 300ms+ sounds very grim.

That’s how you kill server identity, immersion and classic.


What about some of those realm’s population status in TBC? Stalagg going to have 400 horde and 0 alliance. Can’t wait for World of Emptycraft TBC. Some realms even worse somehow, no fixes announced so guess everyone needs to pay for an xfer

Why couldn’t we get new server names? For either versions TBC or Classic Era? I think that would have been interesting, give it a bit of new flavour.

P.S Classic Era Oceanic “PvE” server is going to be DOA. We only have 1 PvE server and it’s population is low at best… please don’t give us a PvE option, it’s just going to ruin the experience for those wanting to stay on the Classic Era.

That’s because Remulos is the literal worst there is.

What happens with multiple factions over PvP realms?
Doesn’t Classic have the original restriction of one faction per PvP realm?
Is that still current, or will that restriction (if still in place) be removed?