WoW Classic Era Realm Connections Coming May 18

This is Classic Era realms they are talking about, so for characters that choose not to move onto TBC.
The TBC realm lists will be different and we are yet to see what that will look like, chances are we will see a reasonable number and there should still be the potential of jumping on a lower population one if realm queues or mob tagging is a concern.

Who sorted this nonsense? The 5th group is going to severely alliance favored. Dumb idea is dumb.


So far…none of the RP Servers are being…“connected”, if you want to join our Servers. There’s 3 of us:

(EST) Bloodsail Buccaneers: RP (74% Alliance and 26% Horde) Medium Pop
(EST) Deviate Delight: RP-PvP (63% Alliance and 37% Horde) Low Pop
(PST) Grobbulus: RP-PvP (62% Alliance and 38% Horde) High Pop

A/H Ratio found from:

EDIT: And, BB is the least likely (doesn’t mean it won’t, but the least likely) to ever be connected, since we are one of a kind and unique.

I hope you’re right, but Blizzard has resisted connecting retail realms although that has been necessary since the awful decline of the retail game beginning in 2015. The “CRZ solution” was awful and nothing did more to destroy community.

So I’m hoping your definition of “connected” is the same as Blizzard’s. Most sincerely.

Nice this is a good idea ! This way it should feel still active even if people are playing TBC . Classic is my favorite version of the game . I will always come back to it .

I think this is a great idea, and necessary. Worried about Bloodsail, though… If it ends up being a ghost town, I’d rather see us connected to PVE than RPPVP as well. Or if no connections happen, an option to free transfer to one of the RPPVP or regular PVE realms.

this is stupid, why you guys connecting them before you even know how many players will be on them? Not to mention this is gonna kill immersion by having players from multiple servers.

You released TBC without giving time to prepare.
You are connecting realms, when fans asked you not to do that, and you doing that without even knowing how many people will be on those servers. Such dumb decisions.


I support connecting realms. Don’t speak on behalf of the community. Classic Era realms will be largely dead. They need to do something to create a sustainable population.


Many people do not want connected realms, I don’t speak on behalf of ALL the people. But you can see many even in this thread hate the idea.

Firstly they should have waited, they don’t know, you don’t know what population classic realms will have or how they’ll be used. waiting a month or two is good to see how it’ll really play out. Don’t assume it’ll be dead. Establish a trend. They are connecting servers randomly based on nothing but guessing, not facts.

Second there are better ways than creating connected realms, which are killing immersion for a lot of people. When you see people with name-server it’s immersion killer. Simply merging servers would have been better, I don’t mind losing my name, immersion is more important than a name.


Please no.

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Yeah totally dude.

Pulling your horse mount out of your bag isn’t though. Nor is seeing dozens of level 1 bank alts logging in and out, disappearing from the world around raid time everyday. Nor is the constant “LFM GDKP, BUYERS NEEDED” spam in every chat, every day.

Seeing a server name attached to the character name, that’s drawing the line! How absurdly game breaking is that, right?!


Sarcasm aside, yes.


Name one! What is a better way to help keep a dead server alive?

You know what is immersion breaking? Logging into Org or SW and seeing NO ONE.


You realize you can turn off player names in-game, right? That’s more immersive than leaving them on anyways. Asking someone their name, instead of seeing magical floating text above their head.

I do.

We’re all “immersed”, in our own ways. Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not valid.

It’s more than just “immersion breaking”, for me. It builds unnecessary “resentment” towards “the others” not of “your” server.

And, I’m still confused how trading works with this feature, in place. Makes it difficult to figure out who I can and cannot trade with.

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Everyone, you can trade with everyone you see outside of Battlegrounds. Connected realms were Blizzard’s way of merging servers together without people losing their character names or guild names.

Wow. This is a bizarre take.

You will be able to trade, buy, sell and group with anyone you see of you faction.

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Connected Realms are a set of two or more realms that have been permanently and seamlessly “linked.” When you play on a Connected Realm:

  • The Auction House is shared between your realm and the realms connected to it
  • You can join a guild created on the realm connected to yours
  • You can trade and exchange mail with players on the realm connected to yours
  • You can party for Mythic dungeons and Mythic raids with players on the realm connected to yours

Guild Names are “being taken away”, upon picking Classic, regardless.

That being said, I still don’t like it, and that’s OK. Thankfully, I’m on one of the few servers (so far) that hasn’t been listed as part of a server that’s going to be “connected”. At least, “not yet”, anyway.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t like Connected Realms, and that’s OK. It’s OK if you like them, too. I’m not going to feel “shameful” nor “bad” because I don’t like something that you like.

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If you can’t see what’s wrong with your post, there’s no reason for me to ever respond to you again.
