WoW Classic Era Realm Connections Coming May 18

Asking the real questions here!

It would be cool to give people a limited opportunity to change their name to something unique if it’s not already. If we need to enforce uniqueness for each character on the server (for sending mail, AH interaction, etc.), I’d rather be given some control over it rather than just having a historical, no-longer-existent server name tacked onto the end of the one I created.

Your server STILL exists!!

I know a lot of dyed in the wool hardcore pservers did nothing wrong folks hate retail, but you really need to understand how connected realms work.

You are still on your realm. It’s the same thing as a merge EXCEPT you keep your name and your server.

Not rocket spaghetti people

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When exactly is the snap shot for the clones taking place? Is it during the Tuesday Maintenance window? So anything we do on our characters over the next 3 days will be included in the clone?


Same faction toons is a realm specific limitation. It should be fine having different faction toons on a connected realm.

It’s during the extended maintenance.

  • What will happen to Deviant Delight?
  • What will happen if you have Alliance chars on a realm that is connected to a realm with Horde characters?

And finally. While I knew this was going to happen, why wouldn’t you use this opportunity to balance the connected realms?


I had planned to copy over but with this server grouping I won’t even bother. Herod was Horde tipped and now that it’s being paired with these servers it’ll be even more horde heavy. Can we please have a more balanced pairing so that it’s not completely unplayable?

What happens when you have Alliance & Horde on different PvP servers slated to be merged?

I think that’s another part of the reason mergers are being done this way.

You should be able to play both normally.

could this not be done for TBC as well? I don’t fully understand it maybe but if its meant to keep servers healthy would that not be good for servers that are already dead for one or both factions? I admit the idea of seeing people from other servers sucks but at the same time I was just on Kirtonos and there were 64 people on the Alliance side logged in. I plan to transfer my main off of there as soon as its allowed but I have 3 alts I play a bit as well and right now it just seems best to cannibalize them and move that gold to the main if it turns out the population isn’t coming back, and since I am seeing my guild all transferred and that others say the same it doesn’t look good

Yes and this is what really cheeses me off.

Why not do it the other way and leave Classic servers alone? Consolidate them if you want but why force players to choose to remain behind and then move them to other servers, instead of just offering players the chance to move their toons on to BC?

The way they are doing it is nonsensical and overly complicated.

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I am curious about this as well. I am playing on incendius which has maybe a 90% Alliance to 10% Horde population.

Isnt DD a pure RP and the only one? Ofc it’s not merged with anything else. Why are you guys expecting it to be merged with RPPVP?

DD is a RP-PVP server. And to be honest, I’ve seen very little RP on that server.

Who would want to play on a dead server?

Me!!! lol

Honestly, I’ve played since TBC, but I don’t do dungeons, don’t endgame, and rarely group. The reason I play MMOs is because I like the feeling of a big sandbox, but when I know I’m really alone, i.e. a single player game, I get bored. As long as I can see the occasional PC who is obviously not a bot, the world feels real. 99% of you can disappear for all I care.


So I can create characters with the same name on different servers within the same group?

If it’s anything like retail

Unfortunately, they didn’t plan the faction balance aspect of it.

Can we delay this merger for at least a day so we have a chance to see how many of us will be left per server? I would like a chance to see how many people on my server weren’t just TBC tourists