WoW Classic Era and Hardcore Hotfixes -- October 3

Sadly you’re all to incompetent to actually fix the terrain exploits in the battlegrounds.

Apparently there are reports of the Warlock 4pc set bonus that increases corruption by 12% is not working. Can someone verify?

When are you going to fix the flyhacks, start aggressively banning bots, and weed out the wealth that they have created?

Here are today’s hotfixes for WoW Classic.

WoW Classic
December 16, 2020

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Cryptstalker 4-Set bonus effect to sometimes place the Hunter back in combat after using Feign Death.
  • Warlock’s Plagueheart 4-Set bonus effect now properly affects Corruption damage.
  • Mage’s Enigma 5-Set bonus effect now activates when Arcane Missiles are resisted.
  • Mage’s Enigma 2-Set bonus effect now always functions while talented into Arcane Concentration.

There is no 2-set bonus for enigma… You must have meant the 3-set bonus, which only ever proced for me once with arcane concentration for the past months, thank you for finally fixing.

I was wondering if the graphical mess (wings effect), that is the Shoulderpads of Faith, would be fixed and/or looked at?

Since 95% of the time we are looking at our characters from behind, it would be nice to actually see those wings in their full glory and not only when looking at your character from the front. Would it be possible to fixed them in place so we see them in their whole glory from all the good angles? :smiley:

I was also wondering if the implementation of this effect and its weird behaviors was a limitation at the time of development.


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invasions should be done real soon

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I quit my subscriptions to play WoW classic when rumours came about for BC, and bastion sucks just as much as BC so won’t be renewing my subscription, why would they make a game that takes players away from players, just want to be free to quest with my buddies no BS or BC… stop getting rid of my friends…

me like classic hotfix

Don’t release tbc unless you have to. Rake money from classic and when profits are down then Maybe.


Fix the invasion timer.


Classic will still be here. It’s not going to end just because Burning Crusade comes out.

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Hi Kaivax. Did you guys end up fixing the t3 hunter helmet visual problem?


i hople TBC dont get to many bugs

Well done Blizzard, well done…

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Haha very interesting

Can you guys please hotfix neretzek to scale with spell power? I understand that you added it to the “not a bug” list because while it apparently worked in 1.11, it maybe got patched out in 1.12. But this reasoning is simply silly, seeing as hakkari manslayers, wraith scythe, demonfork, and yes shadowstrike, another 2 hander, all still scale. It’s not only for Ret paladins. You might be surprised, but there are quite a few spellpower warriors, and LOADS of melee spellpower hunters who are very downtrodden by this. Many of us spent DKP, or spent literally hours of played time running soft reserve runs on our characters to get this item, expecting it to work like every other lifesteal effect, only to have our time wasted and dreams shattered. In this era of “meta” gameplay and stacking 30 warriors with the same gear, us folks on the meme team are all that are truly keeping the spirit of vanilla wow alive. Fixing this would NOT be game breaking, it would NOT give unfair advantage, heck, it wouldn’t even stick in the craw of the hardcore “no changes” people because it would go entirely unnoticed by the meta players. Please, make a lot of people happy with this simple little hotfix. I hope you read this and give it some thought. Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

sweet sauce boss

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Any update on the hunter cryptstalker t3 helmets eye problem?

Or the Brimstone Staff visual?

Well we are willingly playing classic, so there is that.

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