Hunter T3 Helm Eyes

Yeah thats a bug, this is a picture of hunters in 2006. Date is even May 18, 2006.
What the heck Blizz XD

Here is my guildie on the login screen. Doesn’t appear to be an issue with how the item is drawn/displayed there. It’s apparently only during “in game”.

If I had to guess, I would say there are rendering differences between the login screen and in game.

Thanks champ

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Posting some screenshots and a short video to help the cause.

https:// imgur . com/a/XlCerbV

Top one is bugged.
Bottom one shows the intended look (it happens when you move the camera down at a certain angle, all other angles shows the bugged look).
The video is just to show the behavior when being idle on my mount.

Also it look bugged to me on the character screen but it’s probably Night Elf related.

You can even see it’s bugged if you look at my profile picture.


/cast Track Community Manager

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Please fix Blizzard, if you can fix paladin/warrior tier 2.5 colorization than this should be just as easy.

Exact same bug is present for the Shaman T3 helm. The burning eye effect will only display properly when viewed from certain angles. As others have mentioned, it always displays properly in the character selection screen.

The bug is likely due to the Classic client still using a majority of retail shaders/rendering/lighting systems. It’s extremely unfortunate but at this point I’m not sure if they’ll bother changing them.

I’m guessing they would need to edit and re-export the original art asset with appropriate changes in order for it to work properly. Not sure at this point, but I thought I remembered this being a problem way back in vanilla as well.

Just want to note that the T3 helms work properly for WoW Shadowlands and this is a Classic only visual bug.

Check it out in the dressing room, or use the item Mirror of Envious Dreams and it works just fine.

Has it been fixed in Classic yet?

Nope. Would be nice to at least see a response. It’s obviously not a priority.

We have a legitimate concern with the 4 set bonus only working if your pet is alive and summoned and everyone is more concerned about a visual affect. People common.

There is a similar bug with the Shaman T3 helm. The glowing effect of the eyes is stuck behind the sunglasses shade effect of the helm unless you angle your camera far enough down to see the glowing effect, at which point it “pops” into place until you move the camera back up. Please fix this blizzard.

It’s the penultimate armor set for the class in all of the game. Concerns for visual effects are just as legitimate as any other bug.

The buff you’re referring to, Stalker’s Ally, was by design only supposed to be present when you’re pet is summoned and active/alive. You’re drawing an issue due to the set bonus wording.

That’s because it’s not a bug, it’s supposed to work that way.

I think the helmet should match the art done in 2006

This is a picture of hunters in 2006. Date is even May 18, 2006.

Welp, the animation issues with Rhok are just now getting fixed. Doubt we will see this fix before TBC.

Hopefully it gets fixed in 1.13.7
Can you report this as a bug on ptr please because I can’t log on the ptr

Good news, they fixed the eyes in the last PTR build.