For the nerds, I extrapolated a curve and y = -9407.051 + 11082.26x - 1943.109x^2 + 267.8953*x^3 seems to fit where Y is the Honor required to hit a rank threshold, and X is the Rank.
Rank | Honor | CP | Change Factor |
1 | -0.004699999999 | 0 | 1 |
2 | 7128.1954 | 2000 | 1 |
3 | 13584.9211 | 5000 | 1 |
4 | 20977.5442 | 10000 | 0.8 |
5 | 30913.4365 | 15000 | 0.8 |
6 | 44999.9698 | 20000 | 0.8 |
7 | 64844.5159 | 25000 | 0.7 |
8 | 92054.4466 | 30000 | 0.7 |
9 | 128237.1337 | 35000 | 0.6 |
10 | 174999.949 | 40000 | 0.5 |
11 | 233950.2643 | 45000 | 0.5 |
12 | 306695.4514 | 50000 | 0.4 |
13 | 394842.8821 | 55000 | 0.4 |
14 | 499999.9282 | 60000 | 0.34 |
Plugging in for a Fastest Run to max would be
CP | Rank | Honor Required | |
Week 1 | 9000 | 3 | 21000 |
Week 2 | 24500 | 6 | 64844 |
Week 3 | 37000 | 9 | 175000 |
Week 4 | 49500 | 11 | 394842 |
Week 5 | 55200 | 13 | 500000 |
Week 6 | 56900 | 13 | 500000 |
Week 7 | 58600 | 13 | 500000 |
Week 8 | 60300 | 14 | 500000 |
This matches the 8 Week to rank 14 they stated in the original post, so I am going to assume I am at least close.
Adding an edit here since I see people commenting about this a lot.
“If the player’s “expected rank” is greater than or equal to their current rank, then for each rank above their own (up to a maximum of 4 ranks), they are awarded the difference in CP between each rank above theirs and the next below it, multiplied by the honor change factor for that rank.”
Based on the item they said is that you can only qualify for the CP gain of ranks +4 to their current rank. So based on if you start the rank at “0” or “1” slightly changes things since that means you can qualify for CP at Rank 4 or 5 respectively which means you could theoretically gain 4 ranks, but besides that first rank jump there is mathematically not enough CP to jump a quad rank based on their math.
Assuming R1 is really the start and not “0” as I did the original math…
(R2-R1)xR2 CF+(R3-R2) xR3CF+(R4-R3)xR4CF+(R5-R4)xR5CF + original CR =
2000x1+3000x1+5000x.8+5000x.8 + 0 (starting with nothing)=
2000+3000+4000+4000+0 = 13000 which is slightly over halfway into R4.
IF you assume 0 is a rank, you lose that last 4k since +4 ranks only gives you CP from 1, 2, 3, 4. That means you can only hit R3.
Again, I am only interpretation their poorly explained system.