Wow classic dying? No longer any "full" servers

it’s another “LOL CLASSIC IS DED GAEM” rerun

Man this episode sure is on a lot.

Aired like 12 times today. :roll_eyes:

Why do you play video games? Why do you go to movies? Why do you seek out any form of entertainment. Everything has been done before. Stupid logic.

They won’t be. Nothing lasts forever.

The rest of the quote is irrelevant to the point.

Any other game.

  1. Classic won’t be available in perpetuity.

  2. If there aren’t enough people to support group content, then I can’t really go back to classic. I can only go to the dead servers that used to be classic.

True. A particular website I used to go to, all the time is shutting down after 20 years of being a “dead” site. I don’t think the Classic Servers are going to be shutdown in 2 years, though. That’s my point :cocktail:

That’s, when I’ll be OK with supporting Private Servers, since the company will have officially abandoned their game and will have nothing to sue over :cocktail:

It is relevant, to the point :cocktail:

Right, and when you get bored of that game, you’ll go back to Classic to which the Soloers kept in tact, for people like you, to come back :cocktail:

It’s not going to be shut down in 2 years :cocktail:

It can’t be “dead”, if the Tourists and Try Hards come back, to get their Nostalgia fix. Y’all will do your Group Content, together :cocktail:

Who said anything about 2 years? I just provided a reasonable definition of “dead”.

No it’s not.

Not necessarily.

If it’s just soloers, it’s not intact. That’s no longer an MMO.

Again with the two years bit… where are you getting this number from?

If there are enough players to do all of the content, that’s fine.

If not, the game is dead.

Once it dies, it’s unlikely to come back, though. A small trickle of random players can’t support 40 player content.

this is why we endured the 14k queues. We might get to see Naxx but many servers wont ever open AQ.

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Some people think Classic is going to be shutdown in 2 years. In regards to “nothing lasts forever”, only the service providers we’re dependent on. I can still play old N64 Games. I don’t have to worry about a company shutting down a server for that game, in order to play it. I can play it, indefinitely :cocktail:

And I gave a reasonable explanation in why Soloers can still keep it alive :cocktail:

Yes, it is. The Soloers will keep it alive, for the Tourists and Try Hards to come back, to get their Nostalgia fix :cocktail:

Maybe not you, specifically. Some people, yes. They’ll get bored of things then have an itch to replay it, again. IK I do with my Games :cocktail:

Um, yes it is 'cause there’s still players playing the game, even if they’re just doing Solo content :cocktail:

From other Posters around here saying 2 years is when Classic will be shutdown :cocktail:

2 Years is the magic number, apparently :cocktail:

No, you’re only saying for the Group content. There’s still enough Soloers keeping Classic alive, even just for the Solo bit. Which gives those that like Group Content an opportunity to get those back up and running, again :cocktail:

IDK if I agree with that. Really depends on how much effort you put into making something alive, again. Before that particular website decided to shut down, I was actually getting it somewhat active, again :cocktail:

I just don’t own that website, unfortunately :cocktail:

Do you really need 40 people, though? I hear you can do MC with only like 20 people :cocktail:

I agree, release TBC!!!

So? Some people think it’s already dead. Why are you talking to me about them?

I hope I don’t have to explain why this is irrelevant to WoW…

Aaaand you’ve ignored the point.

A few people cannot keep the game alive.

It isn’t WoW if all you can do is solo. At that point it’s dead.


For any MMO: if it’s just soloers, the game is dead.

To be considered a living MMO, you need a LOT more than just the 40 players who want to raid.

Why do you put a martini glass after every paragraph??


He does it because he thinks it’ll annoy people.


He just looks like a tool rofl


I dare you to try to convince him of that. :laughing:


fReSh :man_facepalming:

It’s not dying. Stop freaking out. This game will be ok for a few years.

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I played on a TBC pserver a year or so back. Even when it was “F R E S H”, cities weren’t half as populated as most of the medium pop servers.

This game is not “dying” (as its actually spelled, ya 2nd grade dropouts), the bloat has dropped out and the pop is stabilizing. P3 will bring more back to experience BWL, and the cycle will continue.

I mean… that’s not surprising at all. Not everyone is willing to play on a pserver. Even for those who are willing, those servers aren’t widely known, and require some additional setup.

The fact that ANY pserver was popular astounds me.

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Lmao. A majority of servers have far more players than ANY vanilla server ever had. The only servers that will struggle with AQ gates will be the ones with massive faction disparities, and that will only be for the faction that lacks players.

alright…see you in silithus…I will make sure to tell you that i told you so.

So, that’s where I got 2 Years from. You asked me a question, and I answered it :cocktail:

A) You asked me a question, and I answered :cocktail:

B) You and I are having a conversation :cocktail:

You made the claim that “nothing lasts forever”, and I combated it with how some things can. Also, Retail WoW seems to still have Servers up, even after 15 years of garbage. That tells me, Classic isn’t in any danger of being shut down, anytime soon :cocktail:

No, you’ve ignored the point :cocktail:

Actually, they can. It takes a few people to influence more people :cocktail:

Well, Raiding and PvPing isn’t WoW, either. If all you can do is Raid and PvP :cocktail:

Maybe to you, but I don’t think so. 'Cause if all people are doing are just Raid logging and getting in a few rounds of PvPing and completely ignoring the rest of the game, will be equally as “dead” :cocktail:

Other Forum Posters :cocktail:

Again, no 'cause Soloers can be a million players, but they’re just Soloers. We haven’t defined how many Soloers there are which still makes an MMO. They’re just not doing Group Content :cocktail:

A) You cut off the other part of my Quote which is:

'Cause your claim is if there’s not enough people to gather up for Group Content, but if there’s enough to make 20 people, to group for MC, then that’s plenty of people :cocktail:

B) So now we need more than just “enough people to Group”. See, you’re changing your stance, here :cocktail:

I stir as I speak then take a sip, when I’m done :cocktail:

No :cocktail:

Thank you. I’d like to be the Screwdriver :cocktail:

Daw, we’ve reached the point to name calling, have we? :cocktail:

So, Classic (or Vanilla type) didn’t die? Shocking :cocktail: