Wow classic dying? No longer any "full" servers

Why not? There’s more than 3 or 4 Classes. I’d like to experience them all :cocktail:

How about you get out of here? You seem pretty miserable about Classic, unlike me :cocktail:


Because leveling is all the same. The rotations of the classes isnt interesting enough to make the gameplay during leveling worth it. Ive played all classes except Shaman up to level 30 and have two max characters. Leveling multiple alts to max is not gonna be satisfying.

Ive leveled in these very same zones prior to cata so its not like these are new zones or questlines. Theres literally nothing to make leveling more enjoyable.


I’m more interested in playing under TBC ruleset, since it is a more polished version of “Vanilla WoW” before it all started to slide downhill in WotLK, & has the added option of Dreanei & Blood Elf, & Shaman/Paladin class selections for both sides. So, not sure if I will renew Classic WoW or not this next week.

After 15 years WoW finally died. It was a long and slow death, but alas we have Classic now to continue on with. Shame it too has begun to die.

RIP Classic for the next 15 years. :cry:

Cue: Circle of Life

Is it? The Classes have their own Class Quests and unique abilities that differ from each other. But hey, I’d be miserable, too, if I looked at a game as nothing but a “chore”. It really doesn’t sound like you’re for Classic, at all :cocktail:

Correct, Classic is nothing new, and you seem to be not enjoying yourself and trying to pass off that “Leveling is boring” as a fact, when it’s completely subjective. I find it fun and enjoyable. Alas, you’re just proving that you’re being selective in what you want to participate in :cocktail:

Does it? There’s no real way to count any more so I don’t know how you can state this as a fact. Your number could be very far off.

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Why should they leave, unlike you, they enjoy the game.

You could always play another game if Classic isn’t for you. We all knew what we were getting into, no point in crying about “nothing to do” or “leveling sucks” now.

I’m so happy I’m not one of those people that relies on Blizzard for 24/7 entertainment, what a soulless, miserable existence that must be.

I do not rely on Blizzard for 24/7 entertainment, Im just not blind to the flaws of the game.


The game is settling in to the true population it will have until they launch TBC servers in another year and a half. It is far from dead but it will probably need some servers merged at some point and it will spike up and down as new content comes out. Similar to retail releases new raid tiers will bring players back for a little while but yes the staying power of Classic will be a small group compared to retail and even smaller when TBC and WotLK lovers eventually get their own worlds and leave Classic behind.

But you were blind to the fact it wasn’t perfect prior to release. That sucks for you I guess.

Good thing retail is included with a sub so you can go play the fixed version of the game.

Blah Blah Blah, whine whine whine! That’s you. That’s all of you.

Shut up and play!


Neither am I. Which is why I fully support those in favor for a WoW 2 :cocktail:

Yes, I would be very interested in a WoW 2 with a new graphics engine.

Not home atm, give me a bit then I will. My baby shaman is so close to 40 right now!

You can do it now if you want. You only have to download a private server, and run in on your own hardware. It’s not taxing at all if you’re the only one playing.

For an MMO, it’s perfectly reasonable to call it dead if the population drops below the point where someone can reasonably participate in all available activities.

The fact that people are able to dink around alone on their own private servers doesn’t really mean the game is alive.


I don’t support Private Servers :cocktail:

Like I said, the Soloers are going to keep the game alive, so the Tourists and Try Hards can always fall back to it, whenever they get bored of the other games they toured and tried too hard, for :cocktail:

The issue with your example is that those Private Servers purposefully are excluding others, in order to achieve a Solo play. Plus, those are Private Servers, and they have their own standards :cocktail:

Eventually if you want to play, that will be your only choice.

And like I said, if all you can do is solo, the game is dead.

That’s what it will come down to eventually, when people have moved on.


You sound smart. /s

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Not if the Classic Servers are still open, even if people aren’t Raiding/PvPing :cocktail:

No, it’s not 'cause if you didn’t cut out the important part of that Quote, you’d get the full context of what I’m saying:

Moved onto what? When you get bored and feel nostalgic, again, wouldn’t you just move on back to Classic? I don’t get it :cocktail:

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the reality that people are doing things during their time off other than playing a videogame? You know those 15 year olds that lived in the game many years ago? They are married with kids and have better things to do during the holidays.