Wow classic dying? No longer any "full" servers

I’m not saying you can’t have fun if you’re the only one playing WoW… but at that point WoW will be dead.


I don’t see it, my guild had 4 raid teams and just recently added a 5th.

That would be a dream (more Black Lotuses, for me), but I highly doubt I will be the only person, on earth, playing WoW Classic :cocktail:

That’s the thing about opinions. In your view, you think that’s dead but to some (keyword) others, it’s not. I predict the Soloers, who aren’t Tourists nor Try Hards, will keep this game alive to both of those groups, to come back, when they feel nostalgic, again :cocktail:

The game isn’t dying. The population is a bit reduced, sure, but everyone knew that would happen. Frankly, most people expected it sooner.

Also, population numbers during holiday season, when many people travel to do things with friends and family, are notoriously unreliable.


This is true. 'Tis the Holidays. IK Christmas was like 2 days ago, but New Year’s is coming up, so people are with their folks and stuff :cocktail:

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And before that was Thanksgiving, which is another big family holiday in the US, and the end of the football season. Nov-Dec is a dodgy time for group activities in general.

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It’s called raid logging genius and we have been doing it for 15 years now. I don’t give a flip about PvP ranks and don’t care to run dungeons I don’t need anything in. I can literally log in for 3 hours a week and get done everything I need to do.


My guild lost like 20 people in December. We had 3 raid groups and we will prolly have to merge them. My raid group had 30 people in MC 2 weeks ago.

Its definitely dying, only 4 months in too

Not entirely unexpected. I only like to PVE in WoW and MC is more boring than 5 man content. I can’t believe we have been clearing this raid for 3 months. All our healers have benedictions, tanks are geared to the teeth, hunters have leaves, and Ony loot is not even needed anymore. The only thing we need is DPS gear but I hate raiding week after week with no need for loot.


Well the game is just too easy and outside raiding and bgs theres 0 to do. The game actually isnt all that great right now. They needed BWL released a month ago at the latest


If only rotations were interesting and you had a lot to optimize. I would often raid for parses at the end to spice it up.

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funny as I see my server pop growing every time I log in… your seeing the holiday dip right now… that is normal and has been since the game began… people are on vacation with their families or doing outings…

That’s not true. There’s Questing, Leveling, Alting, Reputations, Professions, RPing, etc. But see, people are selective in what they want to do, difference :cocktail:


Tanksie is back with a vengeance.

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So the best thing to do right now is to alt and start the leveling grind all over again. Gotcha. Great game this is


You are straight up lying. So many people are gonna extend their holiday break after realizing the game is a chore.

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It is. You seem to not like Leveling, at all. You think the Game is just only having one max level Character? :cocktail:

No i got two max level characters. Leveling isnt going to make the game exciting a 3rd time around, especially since when you get that one to max you can do the absolute enjoying activity of…

Leveling a 4th.

Get outta here.


funny as I see my server continuing to grow and get new people every week…
its the holiday slump happens every time this year…
all this classic is doomed is like a certain politician in California crying about global warming being true because twice a day the ocean coversa her beach… its called the tides and this is the holidays where we always see a player slump