Wow classic dying? No longer any "full" servers

Not what I heard, what I read. There was even a big dust up about why blizzard would want to internalize their numbers. Read on one site that their own information wasn’t accurate. But hey, you just assume sh** and you do you m8 :+1:t2: :slight_smile:

My god, you really don’t know anything. They changed it to stop Gold Seller channel spam.

The addon now uses hardware input (left and right mouse clicks) to send ManualWho() requests. It was fixed months ago and you’re still pushing a tinfoil narrative.


Mkay cupcake pat it’s cute when ignorants get all worked up.

no point arguing with that guy. the best he had was “why are you here?” to me. come on

^^^ This. I also raided with plenty of people who’d take fat (insert word for a certain glass object that holds water and green stuff here, since apparently you can’t say that word on the forums…) rips in vent. :rofl: Those were the days, back then it was all about having fun.

you’re all boomers and stuck in the 1400 bracket in arena

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Kk trolly trash zoomer :+1:t2:

We are all 90 years old?

Hey 1400 bracket is good, for most people.

Umm did anyone bother to mention, your toon is named after a porcelain feces receptacle?


Essentially he’s just a trolly turd who’s parents don’t love him enough to actually parent him so he turned out like this. Then assumes every single person that disagrees with him is old and below a certain skill level.

Offhand, i do not know anyone who is 90 and plays WoW


YET, exactly. Give it time, ill get there!

Yeah but this isn’t DAOC, MAtrix Oline, Anarchy Online, Rift bad, BAD.

Its doing fine! :cocktail:

Hey its a decent place to hang out still, but yeah: its a pretty dated grindy thing. Its FUN

tBC by summer. I stand by that prediction. p6 by April.

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No. I think you missed my point. How many times can one do the same thing before wanting to do something else? That’s my point. Variety is the spice of life.

Don’t you have repetitive daily number 345,607 to do in retail?


This is why I quit retail! Only damn WQ’s I liked doing were the turtle ones. Add PF pt. 2 onto that and you have more crap that feels like a job!
Sure Classic is a grind, but it’s not a rush to just keep up with average players. Furlbog rep will be there if I don’t go do some warfront crap right this minute before the timer expires.

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8.3 is a bunch of regurgitated garbage. They only rehashed old content its a fking joke. For me, the supreme offender is the Pandaria bit, its very unpleasant.

I dunno, i still play Diablo I and II and Baldurs Gate (the original)
And DungeonSiege I


You still play baldurs? Now THATS a throwback

Almost six months later and Herod is still so populated that the server lags out when the ony buff goes out on a raid night. Black Lotus is still nearly 100g. Flasks are up to 160g. You can hardly see the ground in kargath some nights because of how many people are there. I have a hard time finding the battlemaster in most cities because of all the tauren standing on him.

Do people put less time in than they did in the first month of release? SURE!

Does that mean the game is dying? No.