Wow classic dying? No longer any "full" servers

Same for me! Except I didn’t cancel…I stuck around to play the convulted mess that is 8.3…good news is I’ve never played it before! Not sure if I’ll stick with it like I did Vanilla back in the day…

heck, i still play Champions, DeathKnights and Dark Queen of Krynn

Blizzard prior to launch “We understand that the servers are not large enough to hold as many players have reserved names - we suggest you move to another server that we just opened”
Players “I dont want to move servers, increase capacity”
Blizzard on launch day “Here are 3 more servers to help. We are not opening more because we know there will be a drop off after a few months”

Few months later

Me, an intellectual that pays attention “Duh, we knew it would thats why blizzard didnt open up 40 new servers on launch day”


that depends on your server i think

From 3 hr ques to can’t find a dungeon group because everyone is in AV or raid logged.

I recall this problem back in classic too but they opened up new servers often enough

Ya there’s just not much content at level 60… I am pretty bored of the game right now, esp as a mage main who no longers needs to run dungeons. Leveling an alt can be fun but I prefer to play end-game. Most of my guild is offline most of the week at this point.

It is now April and WoW isn’t dead yet. It won’t be dead next year either, or the year after that, or the year after that, etc. Please, come up with some new content, people are tired of all the same old sh!t.

ah, so thats why we have 2 hr queues every nite.

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So you necro a 3 month old thread on the oldest one in the book? :rofl: Thanks for the laugh.

well of course
everyone knows that loss of population leads to longer lines because…

[Insert logic from OP’s mind here]

corona virus will bring it back

this post aged well!

lol, so I hate wow Classic (Did it 15 years ago, zero interest) but the people calling it dead…you guys do realize as many people are still playing it as 8.3? Classic doubled WoW’s sub count to this day. Yes, a lot of them are raid logging and not active, but no different than 8.3, as people finish their raid grinds they will do the same raid logging for the next 6 months.

Unless you’re an avid Mythic Plus runner there’s basically no more to do in 8.3 than Classic. Calling classic dead is calling WoW dead. Trying to form some distinction between classic and live is pointless. Any argument you want to make about classic dying has applied to live since early BFA.

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Yes they are lol. Those are literally the only things that make a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game able to be called a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game. Your describing eating a pie on a holiday with no filling just crust.

Bruh… this thread is 8 months old.

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We’re goin back in timeeeeim.

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Classic has been dead since December 2019 apparently, and I never knew

if you walk around IF you are looking at a bunch of bank alts staying safe from Terrimus

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removal of spell batching, increasing server stability, and celebrity advertising campaign that ran in 2008

Where is the Aubrey Plaza Orcgasm Ad!

I hear talks of fresh servers within the next few months.