Wow classic dying? No longer any "full" servers

I love classic and all (played the game back in 2004-2006), and I’m having a blast so far. Excited for BWL release.

That being said - I think some people overhype what Classic is and need to take a step back. Yes, it has sandbox-like features, but most players aren’t playing solely because of that.

There will be likely a substantial drop off when Naxx is old news, but that’s normal since there won’t be any new content, and most of us will have gotten our nostalgic fix.


It is not dying per se.
It’s target audience is stabilizing.
There was always going to be an initial influx of tourism, that was expected, we all knew this.
Any game has this, especially MMOs, there are always lots of drive bys before stabilization.

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I don’t know why everyone is so surprised that Classic WoW is dying. Classic WoW is literally one of the worst versions of WoW. You have to endlessly grind to compete in pvp (which isnt even pvp lets be honest) without arena and deecent class balance theres just no way classic will stay alive. In my honest opinion i just hope they speed it up even more so people that did want to see certain raids can before it dies and so that the people like myself and a large group of my friends can start playing TBC sooner then later. Classic WoW is literally a TBC waiting room, lets go boys.


Likes TBC, Likes Wrath
is in NO hurry to get to either one.

Choses not to hop in line with Toilet and his 3 friends

This is really funny because there’s always tons of people running around IF and talking in trade and LFG chat on my Classic server, but every time I log onto my retail server that place is a ghost town. The “full” tags all went away when layering was removed (by design), that doesn’t mean the game is dying.

I think there is a difference between people just leveling and pvping and dead. There are less people leveling now, lots of people alrdy got their 2nd and 3rd characters leveled too so now people just log less hours over all.

It doesn’t really matter how much classic dies down either; it will never be as dead as retail and nothing about classic shrinking would ever make retail more appealing.

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The amount of students off school and playing would offset the amount of adults who stop playing and just do family stuff over the holidays,and many people are not off work during the holidays.Years of playing the ah on retail has shown me that the holidays are often busier,if there is new content out.

Nooo Drinking, Partying etc

Don’t college students do that while playing?

Chooses name toilet. Spews crap nonstop.
Checks out!
Also, if you hate it so much, why are you even here?

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You can not raid while in a hot game of beer pong
also when you cant see straight LOL

Not sure what they do now, but WoW would have been last on our agenda

Considering Blizz broke the means to take accurate census data… no. No current data is correct.

Idk about you, but back in the day most of my guild would take shots for each time they died :slight_smile: made progression a nightmare for our livers lmao

Dont know, back in my day, it would not have been WoW, it would have been a mud, and we’d be no place near a terminal.


Aaahhh salute

No they didn’t, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Sure I don’t! Breaking the API that allowes mods to /who is totally not knowing what I’m talking about :slight_smile:

They made the automatic SendWho() function protected, it now requires a hardware event.

You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Kk :slight_smile: :+1:t2:

That’s what I thought, just parroting what you hear without knowing anything is what leads to responses like yours.

The addon isn’t broken, the addon is accurate.