Wow classic dying? No longer any "full" servers

Everyone should report and move on.

This is obtuse of you. You’re the one claiming the addon is accurate and proof of low sub numbers (or something). I’ve provided evidence it isn’t, you’ve dismissed it without any substance and in the place of substance have offered only arrogance. The only one trolling is you.

But whatever, as with others I’m not invested enough in this to continue. The game is exactly what I hoped, and I’m loving it and will be for the foreseeable future. You can hate on it as much as you like. Good luck.

The only thing I hate is Spell batching, because you know, I actually play the game at a high enough level to notice it.

I’m not some solo loner, like you.

“Awenn is replying”

Actually, I’m not a big fan of it either. It messes with Hunters as much as anyone. But you know what I am a fan of? The fact that they cared enough about the authenticity of the experience to implement it. That has been the tone of Classic development, and while I have deep reservations about Activision/Blizzard as a whole, I have to applaud the integrity with which they have approached this entire project.

Is Classic perfect? I’m not sure. I have yet to find very little that matters to complain about. I’m still completely stoked it is here at all, and the way it got here gives me hope for the future of the industry. I’m actually still too happy about that to complain.

I’d recommend that view. It will save you some indigestion.

What am I complaining about? You seem to be mistaken. I’m not complaining about the game, I’m complaining about trolls, rofl.

Like I said, the only thing I’ve complained about on the forums is Spell Batching, go through my post history if you don’t believe me. Saying that some servers are dying is an observation, not a complaint.

People deny the fact that this game is dying all the time. Remember WoD? The game was bleeding subs but the forums were always pretending everything was fine. The same for BfA: the game is at its lowest point (in b4 “you don’t have numbers” xdxd) bit to the regular drones in here and reddit, the game is healthy and as popular as it ever was.

Look, Classic is dying. A lot of people already left the game and most of them will not come back. There are very little new players trying out the game every week and they don’t offset the amount of players leaving. You have to cope with this, stop pretending every is fine and come up with solutions for the problems that will inevitably come, like dead servers.

Giving Blizzard a pass and ignoring the reality is how we got Retail. Everybody will say it’s the casuals fault but it’s actually the fanboys fault.


I wouldn’t say classic is dying, but its clear there are less people playing now than a month or two ago.

Ironforge is much less crowded

My guild has far fewer people online (incl myself), due to people being caught up & raid logging.

Numbers will spike up again when BWL comes out


People aren’t really playing the game other than when it’s time to raid. What is the point when you really don’t need consumables to raid. All I ever see most my guild mates is log on for a few rounds of AV or when it’s raid time.

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Classic will be just like Retail when it comes to players and coming back for content. The only issue is once the new content is done and Naxx is either on farm or people quit because they realize how long it takes Classic will have a very low population. A population that will only shrink more when people that did stay leave for TBC servers that will be launched in about 1.5 years. Classic will have a player base forever but it will be a small one, one that probably only needs 1 East and 1 West of each server type.

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Sounds like every expansion. It’s inevitable to see a huge drop of guilds and players the longer the expansion runs.

Private servers will be making a comeback.

Because PvE was always boring and PvP is just a min maxing grindfest ruined by AV premades killing an Alliance game at the start when we have 12 people when the gates open and Horde have 30 min ques for it. WSG or the NPCs in AV need a buff.

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I’m sure this has been brought up in this lengthy thread but the answer is…

Raid logging

I just don’t get why play Classic is if all you’re going to do is raid once a week. I know we don’t have much options right now and it sucks that the AV meta grind kills any incentive to do anything else. The way this game was made was amazing for it’s time, but it’s old flaws are going to kill 75% of the population.

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Speak for yourself. PvE is the entire game for many of us.


it may have to do with the holidays

MC and Ony were available since day 1 in vanilla, the ranking system was not

you raid or pvp in classic if you dont raid there is even less options for you to do in classic.

Yep. Because people have company over between Christmas and New Year’s and they don’t want to stare at the back of people’s heads, they would rather they do things IRL with them. If they have kids, kids are off school, have new toys to put together, play with, ect., or perhaps people are visiting out of town relatives until after the first of the year and have things to do besides play a game. This is a hard time of year to say anything is going to be like this going forward. Measure another week not this one.

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it’s quite saddening that the appeal of classic was it having more sandbox-like features. The truth is the majority of players like to raid. To really enjoy classic you need players around you that just like to play the game, hang out with guildies, and create fun content to do like what happened in phase 2.