Wow classic dying? No longer any "full" servers

Well yea, Classic is about the journey.

BWL is coming out soon.


Chromatically tempered blade… <3 <3 <3

Game is basically dead. No more world PvP, Alliance quitting in droves during phase 2, and now horde quitting/QQing about AV queue times…

gee, if only Blizzard had the incentive to listen to the community in regards to faction balance. KEK

C you in Shadowlands xo

Welcome to the realm of pserver players, exploiters, griefers and negative gameplay for ranks.

It makes sense that a lot of people would discontinue playing after realising they either had to conform to the negative play patterns or fall behind.

The release of AV was a disgrace, and being followed up by queue hoppers in WSG which was arguably the only real place you could get actual PvP? That’s just enough to force people to quit.

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Well it is kind expected, classic was hyped up. I think once the people realise there is nothing to do at 60 they evetually leave


Here’s a surprise for you - most people don’t care about PvP.

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Based on the distribution of players between PvP and PvE servers in Classic I would have to respectfully disagree.

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I do. I want mop classic just for arenas with those classes. This classic is dying because after you gear theres nothing to compete for anymore. Also all names have been hoarded by quitters and they dont free up names in classic so there goes getting more people lol…

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Based upon my double checking of the servers, I have to reluctantly concede to your disagreement.

It explains a lot, actually.

I doubt classic is dying. The servers do have down time in different parts of the world. I just rejoined and I seen a lot of players on. People do have a life other than a game. I play off and on but I still love WOW without a doubt. If you can’t que up for PvP run there are other things you can do like PVe ,leveling, working on professions,etc.

Blockquote I think the Solo play is very much alive and will last much longer than the Raiding and BG scenarios. I stopped playing those a long time, ago

And that’s where classic kick’s retail’s butt. The main reason I’m loving classic is because leveling / questing is actually fun again rather than a mindless race to max level. It hasn’t been in retail for some time. I haven’t even got a character to 60 yet. I’m taking my time and enjoying the leveling experience just like I did originally in the game.

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But not all PvP realm players are the same. You have people who are hardcore open world PvPers, always wanting to find someone to gank. You have people who are hardcore about ruling BGs.

And then you have people who don’t care as much about PvP. The people who listened to people who said that PvP realms were the ‘real’ game, and didn’t want to be called ‘carebears’. The people from Retail who turn on War Mode for the bonuses. The people who thought a bit of danger in the open world makes things more exciting. The people who followed a streamer to the server. The people who followed the crowd.

From the actual page below:

It is not. The population is more stable now! Also,transfers are up, so expect a lot of population variation.

What do I care about some random website?


After Blizzard added a protection to the SendWho() command Ceron257 came a around with some really nice workarounds to trigger /who requests manually.

It’s been fixed for months.

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No. That addon has NEVER been accurate for absolute numbers. It’s only good for relative activity (as in horde vs. alliance), and only when plenty of people are polling the server.

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Read what I said again, instead of just responding blindly.

I’m not playing this game with you.

Rebutt my comment or move on.

My god troll.

The addon is 99.99% accurate for gathering the concurrent number of online players. You claimed the addon is not accurate, the onus is on YOU TO PROVIDE AN EXPLANATION WHY.

You can take a census with the addon, and then DO THE EXACT SAME THING MANUALLY. The numbers will be the same.

Worthless troll.

I guess there’s no point talking to you then.

Pretty typical for these forums.