Wow classic dying? No longer any "full" servers

People DID NOT get banned.
The guy streaming that was aloud to run MC twice in 1 week got to keep all the loot.
There are still VODS up of the boss bug being exploited and they never got banned.
Streamer privilege was real??
I would clear a zone out of herbs then layer hop and do it again. Don’t tell me what I could or could not do because I know for fact :smiley:
Same thing with nodes.
Low pop server is justification for allowing Layering exploits? OKay great logic.

That conversation ended, awhile ago. Nothing productive came from it :cocktail:

God, please no :cocktail:

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i said this before classic wow launched vanilla wow was a shallow game you either raid or pvp.if you dont raid there is just pvp.

most people are 60 by now and dont have much to do but log in for a raid night or pvp.


I think it was on the decline a long time ago when I first hit 60, but I was so quick a lot of people were still leveling and saying things like “YA RITE U JUST BURNT URSELF OUT”

I just log on once a week now to raid more or less. I would have much preferred BC servers, but vanilla was fun.

Let’s take an objective look here. Most players have been clearing mc for a long time now. Mc is really boring as there are almost no mechanics. Outside of that what is there? Pvp is dead. Pvp not being a thing in classic is the biggest problem. That’s what usually fills in time between raids and never gets old if it’s done right.

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Some of us did. Of course the streamers didn’t.

Meanwhile back in reality, there were people on every layer trying to do the same thing you were.

You can pretend you had access to a bunch of untouched layers, but we both know that’s not the case.

It was well known beforehand that a lot of people went to classic WoW just for the lulz.

Heart of Classic is still beatin!!!

Yeah its dying fast unfortunately. I only saw 60plus guidies when I got on other day. Normally its 65plus on non holiday weeks. I :hugs:

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8.3 is only afew weeks away.

If you think its bad now then wait till that hits.

I bet the Classic team is waiting for everybody to jump ship than blindside Classic with a barrage of quality of life addons that’ll unseat everyone glued to the #nochanges stance.


The genuine Classic community can’t wait for Retail to suck back the toxic tourists. Here’s hoping it takes them back for good, and they lose interest completely.


Faerlina died because Asmongold left them. More or less

Kinda toxic there buddy ol’ pal. If every “Retail” player went back to BfA, you’d be in for a shock.

Remulos is already a dying server, be careful what you wish for.


Fake news. Nothing is dying. That’s the point. I play the game as opposed to just pushing bitter narratives on the forums, and it’s fine.

Retail players are the bane of Classic (you can enjoy both, but those that genuinely do are not the players I’m referring to). The less of them the better off the game will be.

Saturday, 4:30-6:30 P.M. currently in Australia.

Remulos is Alliance heavy.

1,357 players online.

Give it another month or two and I’ll come back to post your server’s 500 Alliance online at prime time.


There is no reliable way to know realm populations, so your numbers are meaningless (unless you work at the data centre in Australia and can pull up connection data). There are less people playing generally over the Christmas break - as is expected - but there are still plenty of PuGs, LFG is active, and IF is populated. Please do come back in a month. It will be as full as it has ever been.

And either way, a fall off of those who aren’t that interested in Classic and bring all the ADD toxic nonsense from Retail is a positive, not a negative. That’s what we want, and have expected, and predicted.

so people can dungeon grind to 60 again?

It’s 99.99% accurate for gathering the concurrent number of players that are online. You can leave your /who window open and see exactly what the addon is doing.

There were 1,357 Alliance online Remulos 30 minutes ago.

That addon has been broken since September. It’s only as accurate as the number of people using it i.e. it’s not accurate, and can’t be. It may or may not give a good approximation of actual numbers, but there’s no way to tell.

But even if it was accurate, that’s not bad for the Christmas break on a Sunday.

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No it hasn’t. That’s actual Fake News, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

More evidence that you don’t know what you’re talking about it. It can be used solely for checking concurrent online player counts, the data doesn’t need to be uploaded.

Yeah, not as bad as I thought it would be actually.