WoW Classic Devs are now posting on X/Twitter

We’ve got a new X/Twitter account right here.

Those of you who also use X/Twitter can expect game information, announcements, behind-the-scenes fun and more.

Follow @WoWClassicDevs today!


It appears a login is required to view that account.

For those of us who choose not to use X/Twitter, where can we find posts from the WoW Class Devs?


That’s a shame that you’ve chosen announce things on a third party website that some people won’t use for moral/ethical reasons, and one that can be and is just as trolled as the forums that you control.


It won’t be the only place they post information. You can still bury your head in the sand in your snowflake world and get news from Blizzard.


Oh I have an X account just because Blizzard has already been putting things there first, I wouldn’t have it otherwise, as every other piece of news etc is more easily obtained elsewhere.

I do think that the platform is horrendous, but more than that I know some people who will not use it.

I guess it’s good that they made a blue post about what they’ve been doing for awhile anyway.

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Hey Kaivax
LOKHTOS darkbargainer doesn’t have the nightsfall recipe. I know it was added in P3 in vanilla, but it won’t be worth it to use at that point in BWL. Please add this recipe to Lokhtos.

Unban GDKP


That’s great, why don’t you all use your Blizzard forum accounts?


add Behsten & Slahtz, you nerds.

Body Type 1 & 2 company posting on a Male and Female platform

Blizz is wild


Lol… “ethical reasons”


Will the live devs be posting again on @Warcraftdevs as well? No posts on that account in almost a year.

Just wanted to thank yall for making MC flexable, its a huge QOL buff to be able to bring a couple extra and i hope you guys dont decide to hard lock it at 20, having to fight the roster boss before raid bc a couple people couldnt show up is a pain and this change was a big step in mitigating it


I stopped looking at Tweety posts when they discontinued their no-javascript functional page renders. Will there be a web-hook to allow tweeter posts to get mirrored over to the forums here? Maybe an RSS feed that Blizzard owns?

Why do you have this web site?
I don’t want to use X/twitter.


A lot of people won’t use X/ twitter because of its owner and the politics involved.

It’s mind boggling how woke the WoW team is with in game features, and yet they decided to post on a racists and sexist platform.


Their woke in game changes are mostly posturing

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With all the uproar about #nochanges, and staying true to “classic”….

Making body type 1 and body type 2 , which nobody asked for, was obviously a nod to modern woke culture that includes pronouns and ambiguous gender.

Where as twitter/x is currently the most anti woke, and probably the most controversial and racist social media platform on earth.

These are the people that wow classic team want to reach out to?

Why even have a forum?

Why not just use wowhead?

This is fake news.