Inbetween Account Transfers Removed but were never available to classic players

I have to preface this entire post because I know how vicious the forums are - I only had two accounts in the first place because that option to transfer between accounts was already available on retail wow. If it wasn’t I wouldn’t have done this.

I am writing on the classic forums with a sincere and desperate plea for help regarding the recent changes to account transfers in World of Warcraft. Many players, including myself, maintain multiple accounts because it’s impossible to play both retail and classic versions simultaneously on the same license. Personally, I have three classic accounts on one battlenet and four retail accounts on another battlenet, often logged into at least two at any given time.

With Blizzard’s decision to remove cross-battlenet account transfers today, I am now facing an impossible choice. I have separate progression on my classic and retail accounts, which are on different Battlenet accounts. This change has essentially frozen my ability to transfer any of my hard-earned achievements between them in the future when classic ends.

On my classic account, I have collected rare mounts, tabards, and transmogs, with the hope that one day, these rewards could be transferred to retail. Now, that hope has been shattered. I currently have every class at level 85, fully geared for PvE and PvP, and now, I am forced to consider starting over completely because cross-battlenet transfers have been removed.

This feels incredibly unfair. Why were inter-account transfers available in the first place if they were going to be taken away so abruptly? I am begging you to please enable inter-account transfers for classic characters. The time and dedication I have invested in my classic account should not be lost on a now unusable account when the classic re-releases eventually end.

I am extremely desperate and don’t want to lose everything I’ve worked so hard for. Please, enable cross-battlenet account transfers for classic.

I very highly doubt anything earned in classic will ever transfer over to retail. There has never been any indication that this will ever be a possibility.


There wasn’t any planning to move toons between classic and retail. It was pretty much a stone wall between the two. Classic was for folks who wanted that feel for that time, not getting stuff that was there to move to retail.


Ohh also, transferring characters between accounts doesn’t move everything. Most things like earned mounts, achievements, etc stay on the original account.

Pretty much only items physically in the inventory or a few character specific achievements would move over.

So even if they ever did allow you to move from classic to retail, you still would have lost a good chunk in the process by moving to a new Battlenet account.


I’m not sure why you’d want to do that, but you should be able to play both Retail and Classic simultaneously as long as they are separate licenses even if they were on the same BNet account. Why did you have to create a separate BNet account for all your Classic licenses?


Most achievements, pets, mounts, etc… would have remained account bound with the original bnet account. This was often creating confusion for players hoping to “MERGE” accounts.

And most likely retail and classic will remain separate as far as collections go.


I am sorry Fortune, but that was never possible. Mounts, transmogs, pets, heirlooms, achievements, toys, etc. are all Battlenet Account bound and always have been.

Previously you could move a character between two Battlenet Accounts in your name, but you would lose all the mounts and such.

I do not think they have any plans to change that.

This :arrow_down: :arrow_down:

I am so sorry, but it seems you have a misunderstanding about what was ever possible. On the good side, you have not lost any ability, because it was not something Blizz did.


Then what would they do after classic wow stops being rereleased? Just let all these characters rot

We have not quite reached that far yet to speculate, but I am sure if there is a plan the WoWClassicDev team will announce them.

By the way, they are on Twitter now.