WoW Classic Devs are now posting on X/Twitter

Small hyperbole
But it is a chart topper…

Look, Blizzard is free to do whatever it wants- but the irony is strong on this one.

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Free speech is more important than your feel good safe space.


It was only recently that they removed the ability to post on twitter from inside the game client itself. The Blizzard dev accounts have odd icons next to their accounts like I’ve never seen before on that site too. They must still be under some contract to use that abysmal site regularly. Nothing else can explain why they’re doubling down on using a third party social media site nobody asked for instead of their own platform that conveniently tracks blue posts already.

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They can more easily block individual users they don’t like on X.

twitter isn’t a bastion of free speech, it’s just empowered specific brands of speech & harassment while suppressing inconvenient ones. the platform/owner bans plenty of dissenting voices that don’t align with their views

free speech is good but people seem to think that means that unimpeded bigotry is somehow the benchmark for that lol. twitter was already a cesspool but it’s become significantly worse in the past 2 years


Only when they break policy, not because of the views.

I bet you have no actual facts or tweets to back this up, just your personal bias because you read “twitter is bad now” somewhere and blindly subscribe to the idea as if it were fact.

It’s pretty immediately evident to anyone who used it before and after, unless you were one of the people who thought that not being able to doxx or harass someone was an attack on free speech lol. If you were never really engaged in discussions on current events or news through the platform it makes sense that you’d be a bit skeptical of the large negative response to Twitter in recent years since discussions on media topics etc hasn’t changed much.

If you want actual data on the levels of harassment etc, Institute for Strategic Dialogue has data. First google result also had a research paper you can find by searching its journal: “Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media , 17 (1), 1133-1137.”

You can find plenty of articles of journalists critical of Twitter or its owner being banned from the platform as well, monitoring the levels of various slurs being used etc.

I know it’s hard to be critical of people/platforms that you’ve had a positive experience on or maybe even seem to be on your “team” (for lack of a better word) especially in the time of the extreme polarization online, but twitter doesn’t even begin to resemble a free-speech focused platform. Its direction change is pretty much just a vessel for some edgelord anti-woke agenda, and it greenlights or censors things according to that agenda (thus disproportionately signal boosting bigotry).

Regardless it’s a strange medium for being the primary means of sharing development updates, especially since you can’t even view tweets anymore without logging in… don’t know why they couldn’t post the same updates on the forums, in the news feed, or using a multiplatform social media app to blast all their socials rather than just one of them. Even if they don’t interact with replies it would be nice for them to blast out the info on multiple channels, ya know?

Interestingly we just had someone in the local area here arrested for “posting social media content with discriminatory and harmful language”. This was for tweets that stayed up on X. I’m in Canada and our laws don’t work in the same way for “free speech”, which I’m fine with because hate speech isn’t a good thing IMO.

I’ve seen milder things, such as political and bullying, posted on here and they get pulled, and fast. This is good because these forums should be about the game. A lot less is allowed here than what’s allowed on X, that’s why it doesn’t make sense IMO for Blizzard to choose to share so much on that third-party platform. They already have a more professional and long-standing place to post their news, one that doesn’t require a login to properly view. The other sites like Wowhead can aggregate easier from here too.

This isn’t evidence…it’s hearsay

I have never used twitter, facebook, or tik tok. social media holds very little value in my life.

How is X racist and sexist? I don’t see ANY racism on X at all ever… Can you give 1 single example?

They do not reply on that Twitter page.

Internet activists are hilarious lmao.

Twitter has been a cesspool for a decade.

My wife’s firm would post holiday messages of positivity and get reply’s from creeps that wanted to disparage her or make advances because she was a women. We could block them, but they would make alts and just continue on another post.

Our kids high school football coach would get racist comments about he should find another school in a more urban neighborhood because of his skin color.

Free Speech to harass and hate- No thank you. I’ll stay in my safe zone. It’s an open platform for the dreggs of society. If that’s were blizzard wants to sit, good for them.

Updates from todays news block:
The World Bank has ceased all paid advertising on X/Twitter after a CBS News investigation found its promoted ads showing up under a racist post from an account that prolifically posts pro-N and white nationalist content.

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I hate to be the one to break this to you bud, but that is literally everywhere.

Facebook, reddit, X, IRL not IRL everywhere.

For some reason people think its the “cool” thing to do to be toxic.

PRO TIP, and this infuriates these people… Just… IGNORE THEM.

Poof that easy. You see it, disregard it and move on. Bam fixed all your problems for free.

After some time passes you get in that habit and you stop even reading/noticing that bs.

IRL people get hands , but feel safe to post things like this online.
Facebook and IG seem to do a good job at canceling people.
Reddit and X are are some of the most notorious places for trolls to toll.
I agree ignoring them is the best solution, but why swim in that pool to begin with.

But here we have a forum run by the owners of the game, and the developers choose to not interact with us. It’s a one way spokesperson telling us what they are planning to do or what they have done.
I personally find it sort of insulting.

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This is literally every platform, even if they start banning Ip’s that get complicated with cellular and IP spoofers, VPN’s etc… to Call out X and not all is legitimatly dis-honest. At the end of the day dont use the platforms, or ignore the trash. Its everywhere. Facebook and IG do not do any better of a job. You can find it if you look for it, trolls are trolls. Be an adult and block or avoid it on all platforms.

Idd, but they aren’t wrong either, why does the multi billion dollar company pay support staff and devs, pay to run community forums for THEIR product and then proceed to not use it, not enforce their own rules, not communicate (well) with their player base on their OWN forum?

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This post was a hysterical lie. Devs still only posting any news from personal accounts. Still posting official news on a different company’s (owned by an overt bigot) website is bad enough. The fact you have to login to see any replies makes it worse.

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