WoW Classic AMA - Tuesday, Aug. 20 at 10:00 a.m. PDT

Blizz lately seems reluctant to host their own marketing for some reason, thus going to reddit, twitch, etc. I don’t get it. I dislike these other sites and try to come to WoW first for my info only to be told to go to other sites full of people I dislike to get my information.


what about the older playas like me at 85 years of age dont we also whine

Yeah how do 9 follow this? I don’t really understand reddit.

but reddit is no good

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same. so lost

okay, let me finish my soylent and get my fedora then i’ll be on reddit

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Yah, because word of mouth wont happen, streamers wont figure it out, and everybody not know in an hour.

I think he meant that is going to be his question to the devs.

Why Reddit, ditched that site forever ago, why not do like a normal Q&A on Twitch or somthing?

People are asking the questions now make sure to vote on them so they hopefully answer the ones you are interested in.

Reddit didn’t exist during classic.


No the only thing you can use from the retail version is the CE pets.

layers belong in onions not my original classic wow

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The amount of useless and already answered questions on reddit is insane…

I can’t even upvote and find a good question because there is just too much useless questions…


I cannot post a question on Reddit because my account is not 72+ hours old…… grrr!
Will someone please ask how layering will affect the AH. Will we see only items from the people we are layered with or will we see all the items from 10+ people?

I commented on reddit already, but the fact that people in the same group were disappearing - while supposedly being in the same layer is disturbing.

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I agree. Utilizing 3rd party websites and streamers to communicate with your customers is perf… wait, what are you going on about?


good fail. the thread has so many questions you have to “load more comments” like 1000 times to view them all, and even the ones at the top the replies get hidden by “load more comments” so you can’t even tell which questions were responded to unless you open literally everything.

thanks reddit


I have no idea where the answers are being given. All I see is an update for over an hour ago that they will be set to go 10 minutes ago… and everyone asking questions.

What a cluster.


Well, this is a waste of time. Has anyone seen a single answer? If so, where and how?