WoW Classic AMA - Tuesday, Aug. 20 at 10:00 a.m. PDT

none of the tcg were actually in Vanilla though, never did find out for sure if the OG 3 TCG were redeemable just from the website and not through Landro in Booty Bay with the code from the site.

The only pets that were ‘extra’ that were in Vanilla were the CE pets and Murky.

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Do you seriously think trolls are going to gang up and report people for the lulz? If someone is not saying anything against the TOS (racism being the number one thing) then no one has anything to worry about. You people are paranoid about being able to report someone for saying dumb things. Like all the alt-right idiots and SJW morons are going to join together and report one another until they turn the game into a ghost town. Get outta here with that nonesense.

Like people never got reported in classic. ALL THE TIME. :roll_eyes:

Since I am not a reddit user I will post on here.

When will layering be removed? 1 week, 2 weeks, next content patch?

What will be the server cap for concurrent players with layering on? And then once the layering is removed?

What is the player cap per layer?

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Only 50%? Man you are shooting low. 80% layering 12% PLEASE BAN STREAMERS 3% demanding more servers 2.5% av 1.12 crying 2% more servers 0.5% decent questions

Why Reddit, not as easy to use as some others. I was there but had problems with Reddit, couldn’t post any question or answer to your issues you asked about.

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I have them some of the mounts for sure. The Lock and Pally mounts that we did the long quest chains for. Slow mount at 40 fast mount at 60, was fun ! Doesn’t seem like they would do that though. Part of Classic was getting those mounts and how we had to work so hard to get the gold for the items we needed to use to finally receive the mounts. And the quest chains and instances we had to do. We had a lot of fun doing it. I still have the items I used to get my lock,(Berasheba’s) fast mount. The slow one was easy a freebie really.

What’s wrong with launch day queue times? It’s launch day for Chrissake! If it’s not worth waiting in line for once every couple years, it’s not worth playing.


Might as well just do this in Barrens chat after Classic goes live. I mean not everyone will see it as most of us will be in queue.

Because if it was on a blizzard forum they would have to layer it so half us couldnt see the juicey comments

All they will do is answer questions from bot questions they planted in the forum

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These are good questions

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Hey Blizz quick Q for you WHDY did you decide to ruin the game I love with a technical solution I don’t really understand (and THATE). Please don’t reiterate the reasoning behind this move and why it is the superior choice just answer me!!!

Why would it be here? These forums are a joke and almost everyone knows it lul

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there will be alot of crying, especially over kill quests… I killed 40 crabs and only got 3 crawler mucus wtf.

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its not about reporting people, there are plenty of valid reasons to report other players. its about it being an automated process. where its ban first ask questions later.


I have no words…

So I might be able to us any unarmored mounts I already have?

Great, but please open more PVE Realms so Pagle ppl can move


Are you trying to say everything isn’t a conspiracy?

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OMG people it is only a game. Get a life go outside and enjoy the fresh air to clear your minds. Stop your complaining.