WoW Classic AMA - Tuesday, Aug. 20 at 10:00 a.m. PDT

more than layering I really want them to adjust the mouse sensitivity for camera panning. with windows setting s as low as I can get them and wow setting s as low as they go I and a bunch of others I saw talking about it have issues with it doing 360s when trying to pan small adjustments to your view

Ill raise that bet to 4000 gold and bump the percentile to 99.9%

I like eggs!

“I am just here to kill Micheal Jackson and to eat his popcorn.”

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The reason they use reddit is because they don’t want backlash from their OWN community,its sad that this company went from gameplay first to using a literal forum from a completely different source for THEIR own games,just shows a lot of obvious red flags for blizzard,if we don’t add the fact that in their conference call they credited candy crush as more valuable to them then classic wow.Lol cant believe Blizzard.

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Doesn’t really bother me too much. I don’t use Reddit but all the info will be put in the forums anyway either by blizzard or the people in the forum.

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sure they will.

Thanks! I forgot the question mark.

r/amadisasters will be watching closely.

What’s the matter, don’t you guys have phones?

I won’t be able to attend since it is 2 am my time. But look forward to the synopsis! I hope it is a grobbin’ good time!

This. How about we just release the game on Tuesday instead. Or use reddit as a diversion while you quietly release the game a week early. Stealth launch should cut down the launch day queue times!

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Seems to me they’re just trying to increase visibility outside the wow community. Which is probably a way to hopefully make the wow community bigger. This forum already has a couple of pinned threads like ‘EVERYTHING WE DEFINITELY KNOW ABOUT CLASSIC’ and ‘WOW CLASSIC CONTENT PLAN’. Can’t imagine a reddit ama going too far outside the material they already pinned at the top or whatever Ion said on the last QA. So seems like it’s just an attempt to get information to other people.

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loved the remark about "heaven forbid you actually use the wow forums’’
chuckle ( ^_^)

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If someone could ask the position of Blizzard on the LFG addon… it could be usefull for both side.

Because Reddit is the most convenient platform. Even if you don’t have an account, it’ll take you all of 30 seconds to make one and ask whatever you want.

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I’m not sure how deep they are going but they did say that if your retail account has some original vanilla pets and maybe mounts you will be able to get them in classic

Thanks so much!

Not sure why there are so many nasty remarks on here?? Sure does not encourage newer players, unless that is the strategy. Shame on a bunch of you for your nasty attitudes!

Is it 1:00 PM in the Pacific time zone?

Maybe they should release it tomorrow for the people that did stress testing. Then, everyone else on the normal release date :slight_smile:

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I agree. But the format does seem to work well with these types of Q&A’s.