WoW Classic AMA - Tuesday, Aug. 20 at 10:00 a.m. PDT

No thanks, I’ll pass.

I’ll be interested to read the synopsis afterwards though.


What this team is doing for the players of WoW Classic is fantastic. The communication is on point and it actually feels like were all on the same page. Thank you! Looking forward to the AMA.


because of conspiracy with u/spearmints to make sure that only low-quality-meme-posters remain unbanned.

You know, “NO CHANGES NO LAYERING” is easier to answer for Blizzard, than “Why not limit layering to low level zones?”

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lmao, just 50%???

more like the other way around

especially to banning frenzy of u/spearmints, that bans for “meme quality being too high”.

I was just wondering about the TCG mounts and items yesterday!!!

I’ll be at work, but one thing I’d like to know is if the grayed-out Enter World button will become active at launch time if we are logged in to character select ahead of time. The tooltip on the button seems to suggest that: “The world is scheduled to be available in approximate x hours.”

Anyone know if it works that way, or if we’ll actually need to arrive on the character select screen once the server is up for the Enter World button to be enabled?

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Questions? What questions? We log in. We play Classic WoW. We figure stuff out as we go. I can think without assistance thankfully and so can most everybody else. Oh, wait. I guess there does need to be a place for some folks to ask questions and of course, to whine and complain and stuff. It’s a shame I will be too busy to take that entertainment in but I like playing more.


So, who made Michael Morhaime suck the sour egg for the “You think you want it, but you don’t” comment?

Thanks Blizz Classic crew! Now could you call Chromie and have her plop us about 190 hours into the future … please :slight_smile:


use your forums we are right here…


It’s a Shat show! … aaannnnddd go go go go go.

J. Allen Brack said that. Not Morhaime. :slight_smile:

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what the Frick are you on about!?!?!? just ask a question that makes since please.

Your not the brightest dwarf are you? is they post it here it can show bias. they need a neutral forum to field questions from people inside and outside of the core blizzard space. if they were modding there own questions people would think they were cherry picking their questions. not that it would help as i see people are saying they are going to Reddit to explicitly pick soft ball questions. which is absurd.


Sounds to me like a whole bunch of whinning from anyone and everyone. What happened when people just S T F U and let things work themselves out and EVERYONE got to kept at least a percent of their sanity :-). . . . . Let the company do what they do and do what you do S T F U and play the game for it’s intended use.

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Awesome name

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I expect that they will answer actual questions.

No one benefits from them spending an hour responding to people whining about layering.

But I do want to know what they think the timeline will be before phase 2 starts, and the timeframe between P2 and P3.

I do want to know what the new population caps are per server in P2 onward.

I do want to know if this initial success has hastened discussion or decisions on what will come after Classic (In terms of TBC or new Classic developed content post Naxx)

I do want to know an estimate of how many things on the bug list from beta are shipping unfixed because they ran out of time before launch (if any at all)

I do want to know their plans on crushing addons that ruin the spirit of classic like they promised at Blizzcon.

There are ACTUAL things the community would like to, and should know. It shouldn’t be a joke filled with whining 30 year old men about layering for a full hour. That would be tragic, and a waste of potential.


apparently you are not the brightest person, blizzard loves to cut corners in any way they can, they also love too cherry pick questions that are the easiest ones to answer and do not get me started on other questions that have been answered but were re-phased by another person. these Q&A they have are a huge joke that are a slap at the players base face.


Can we please have a back-end connection to our collections? I don’t want to see them in-game on Classic, but if I get a Hyacinth Macaw, a Swift Razzashi Raptor or some Naxx40 gear on Classic, I’d be pissed if I couldn’t use these on Live! Considering Classic will be the original amount of work/RNG as they were originally intended, I don’t see why they shouldn’t be transferred to Live!