WoW Classic AMA - Tuesday, Aug. 20 at 10:00 a.m. PDT

Yeah, personally I’d have opened a new forum temporarily so everyone can Topic their questions.

  1. Layering
  2. Leeway
  3. Hunters
  4. Realm Populations
  5. Additional Realm Timezones

Did I miss anything else?


They censor too many questions over there. Why do an AMA There? They already know Classic is coming.

Why not somewhere else?


Oh I will be there with many questions.

  1. Will you break the LFG addon all the filthy plebs are eager to use?

  2. Do you realize that right click to report will be a bad thing for classic and is the reason most people will jump to the above addon?

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Maintenance Tuesdays are a thing because Blizzard decided that’s the time/date when fewest players are on - please, correct me or change the time/date if I’m wrong.
You’re having an AMA on a Tuesday. So, I have to ask (and feel free to dodge the question as much as possible):
Is any part of Classic WoW going to be (in any way, shape, or form) reminiscent of Game of Thrones: Season 8, to the point where players should be warned?

The reason I am asking this is because at the release of the last episode of GoT, D&D were no where near the internet nor did they want to be as stated in an interview.


I got shadow banned from that subreddit by one of the mods for calling some private server youtuber on there stupid. It’s a great community.


This AMA will be in the middle of the night for me, but I am hoping someone might ask for clarification on how long a name that we have chosen during name reservation will be locked to one’s account once the name goes live.

I’m asking for those who wish to customise their character but don’t want to take the risk of losing the name by doing it now (pre-launch the name doesn’t lock to the account at all)

/r/classicwow is by far the biggest Classic community, and the reddit structure is well-suited for this type of thing. So pretty strong arguments for having the AMA there.


Should host your own AMA on your own website. Lazily outsourcing to a 3rd party like this to allow some random reddit mods to police your event for you is not a good way to show you’re invested in this forum community.


They are going to the 3rd party site because that’s where the majority of the forum users are… that shows that they are in-fact paying attention to the community. Official forums are the place to get official news but as far as a real Q&A reddit is far better. They’ve done some on these forums before but its not very successful.


Names are not locked to an account at all until the character hits level 30.

Best bet (and my plan) is to just look at the customization on a fresh character so you know which options you’ll want, then pick a random time of day between now and launch to delete/recreate the character.

The initial wave has died down, so while there’s no way to guarantee your name stays locked to your account (short of just never deleting it at all), odds are extremely unlikely someone would try to snag it in the 15 seconds you’re taking to create it again.

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Cool, so now we’ll get to have a lot of stupid questions floated to the top by majority wins.


first question: y u layering blizz?

you know you are excited for classic when you are excited for the ama

Just wondering if wow tcg card items and mounts and pets we have redeemed back in the day from the guy at booty bay you had to insert code to receive the item from be valid in classic ? Just asking since it is looks only and makes no difference to the gameplay. Naturally, they will not be tradeable. For example, even if you have the tcg mounts, you will still need to learn riding at 40 and 60 to use them. If i recall correctly, once you redeem them from him he always has them available for you, albeit soulbound.

My birthday!!

Hope someone brings any good news back to this Forum, where this information belongs.

Bring back the Classic Forum, the way it was before this silly forum mess came about. Still do not like this new forum setup, infinite scrolling makes things much harder to find and follow along …

Appreciate the effort, but please, bring YOUR business back to YOUR sites please.


Why did you pick reddit? You guys are going to get trolled so hard over there. I wouldn’t touch that website with a 20 foot Thunderfury.


Wouldn’t that be nice? I too prefer not to go to reddit and streamers to get my game information that the company should have on their own website.