WoW Character Loading / Load in Issue

You could be onto something. For me it happens every time I close the game, and log on a few of my characters. The main and some alts, which it started happening on AFTER I did the Thald quests and unlocked the acc wide stuff.

I am having the same issue. Originally it was just very laggy at the character screen, almost looked like I was playing on dial up (for the 90s kids who know what that means). Patiently opened graphic options and lowered everything. No changes. Manually closed the game with new low graphic settings and rebooted. Same issues occured. Manually closed game. Deleted the WTF, CACHE, INTERFACE folders. Rebooted game, game crashes. Uninstalled game, rebooted computer, installed game, rebooted computer, started game, game crashes after dragonflight trailer.

24 hour wait time for ticket.

My computer is brand new, I’ve been running the game on high graphics since launch. I have no issues with any other game, I have no memory issues with my computer. It’s definitely on Blizzard’s end.

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This is my experience as well. I’ll boot up the game, my character select page will briefly freeze, and the first character I log in on will also freeze the game for 5-10 seconds, and then function normally. Highly irritating.

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Guess there’s still nothing on this…

After reset, the login freeze and when opening guild tab is still there, but it’s shorter now. From 6 second freeze down to 3 seconds now.

Same issue here.

I think you replied to my thread on reddit about this? But yep I’ve got the exact same issue and it’s driving me crazy.

I can play all of my alts fine with no freezing on logging in but my main that’s done the renown questlines has to wait upward of 2 - 5 minutes sometimes.

Have you tried disabling IPv6 in-game and on your PC?

Both are already disabled for me.

Some of us have tried everything and nothing works.

Yeah. I’ve done about everything I can think of. I’ve even completely reinstalled Windows and it persists.

Ball is in Blizzard’s court now.

This has been happening to me since a few weeks ago:

Launch wow: game freezes for 5 seconds on the character list.

Log character: Game freezes for 3 seconds upon loading.

Press J to open the guild tab after log in: Game freezes for 3 seconds.

Several people on my guild have the same issue and it started in the middle of december.

I’ve tested on PTR and don’t have this happening, except for the “learn recipe” glow and ding sound. Tho I’m not in a guild and there’s few players on.

Another week and still the same ole’ same ole’. Whee.

I tried using ExitLag - which is a type of VPN.
Doesn’t solve the issue for me, it’s slightly more stable for sure but the problem still exists.
LFG usually works more or less but raid groups or arena queues will just still disconnect after a forever load.

Ever since Dragonflight launched I’ve noticed what I am calling load lag.

As in my character took longer to load VS Shadowlands.

This is the first time in all my time in WoW I’ve seen this bug.

To avoid any complaints, same system for Dragongflight and Shadowlands.

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Makes me wonder if this issue has some connection to all this lag dragonflight has been having…wouldn’t surprise me one bit.

Has anyone else notice anything like this: Some zones/areas the issue is far less than others. Like in DF major city it’s really bad (on main) but out in dragonblight I just load in with a small freeze (on an alt)…

Yes absolutely. Maybe not 5-10 seconds when I get into the game but there is definitely loading issues.

Same. Lots of connection issues with this expansion.