WoW Character Loading / Load in Issue

Anyone having weird loading issues after the most recent hotfix/updates where it’s slow to load in your character on select and after you load into the actual game it freezes for like 5-10 seconds before working as usual?

I’ve updated drivers and disabled all addons. Deleted cache, etc.


Yes, I am having the same issue and am unable to play


I’m having a similar issue - it is inconsistent but happens more times than not.

  1. Sometimes unable to log in to the game server to access my characters. Takes multiple tries to log in.
  2. If I’m able to log in to the game server, I’ll try selecting a character to play. Sometimes it will get stuck on the loading screen.
  3. If I am able to load into the game, anytime I hit a loading screen (dungeon, new zone, etc) it will get stuck on the loading screen. Requires me to AltF4 and start all over.

Started noticing the issue yesterday. I’ve tried renaming the Cache/WTF/Interface folders. Even with no add-ons it’s performing the same way. I don’t think it’s add-on related anyway since I’m getting stuck well before I even attempt to load a character.

Tried flushing my dns and release/renew IP. I’m hardwired to my router. Restarting PC, reinstalled the game, deleted the folder, checked my firewall. Nothing has worked…


Yes, same issue, deleted cache, WTF, and disabled addons.

Something to note is that it only happens on one of my characters, and only on the first time I log into that character after opening WoW.


I am having similiar issues to this.
I have tried the following
-Installed a Fresh WoW (Fresh WTF/Interface aswell)
-Winsock Reset
-DNS Flush
-Repair Game
-Deleted Cache
-Disabled Addons

The Issues I am experiencing are

  • Sometimes I cannot even enter the game, it will DC during Character Select or sometimes it will DC after selecting a Character.
  • Sometimes I can get into the game to instantly DC
  • When I party up, sometimes I won’t be able to Phase to party leader’s phase.
  • Sometimes when I try force a phase via (Dying, Inn Keeper, Changing zones, Zoning into a dungeon) I crash instead, when attempting to log back in, it will get stuck on the loading screen indefinitely until Alt+F4 and repeat. If I don’t get kicked in that Raid/Party, I will be unable to relog back in at all.
  • Sometimes, when I get on the Dragon Riding mount, and start flying, I instantly crash.
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This has been happening to me for 2 days. I’ve done everything under the sun to fix it on my end. I can’t play a game I pay for, it’s something on YOUR end, blizzard. Not only that, but I can’t load into the game 90% of the time, on the off chance that I do get in I can’t enter dungeons, battlegrounds or arena. Then I get randomly kicked and can’t log in again. I’ve checked my ISP, renewed my IP several times, run the repair tool etc. etc. etc. Please find the issue and solve it.


I am experiencing this as well. Randomly if I get in game is will crash with the wow is not responding window randomly. I didn’t have this issue till the latest patch. If I try and change any of the gfx options in the settings it also immediately crashes as well. I have noticed if i pick dx12 and not 11 I also have weird rainbow colored gfx and odd textures. Warcraft is my only game with these issues.

Yeah, same exact issues. No idea what is going on.


Same problem, loading screen doesn’t show progress, I hear game sounds (as if the character is already in a BG behind the loading screen), but other than restarting the game, nothing helps. 3 BGs out of 5 have to be missed because of this. As a result, I decided not to play yet, nerves are more expensive.
I hope time will be compensated

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Reporting similar issues. I can’t even log into the game and in the very rare instance that I manage to do so I d/c within a few minutes.

I have this issue too…please help

support recommend to use vpn, its not an option for me cuz of high ping
please fix your last game update, we pay money to play this game without vpn

Reinstall did not fix this issue. I crashed 3 times running a dungeon earlier today. I am using a Nvidia chipset for gfx anyone else’s nvidia or amd when theirs crashes?

I’ve had this issue today. At one point I had to close the game and reopen it and it worked fine.

I’m also witnessing the inability to send things through the mail. I kept trying to send something and it would just sit there and not send it. After about 20 minutes it started to work again.

I know this shouldn’t be the solution - but it seems to have resolved the issue for me at least. Using a VPN I’m no longer experiencing the issues. Shouldn’t have to resort to that, but hopefully whatever this issue is gets fixed soon.

Anyone else still getting this issue? It’s super annoying.

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Yeah still have it, a VPN suggestion is just way outta there for Blizz to even suggest. It’s clearly on their end.

I am having the exact same problem. But it only freezes when loading into this particular character. It does not happen with my alts, they load instantly without freezing, including a different DH. It only happens with this character, i tried everything and still happens.

thought it was just me with this issue. only happens on my main character. i tested other alts and disabled addons. it’s a little slow to load the character on select, and after you load into the actual game it freezes for a few seconds. like a really bad stutter lag


yes i am having this same problem. Tried with no addons…Fresh re-install of the game… still having the problem.