WoW Character Loading / Load in Issue

Was running fine this morning, get back from town and now random wow is not responding’s have returned. I have tried everything in the book. Nothing stops the crashes… if i try and change the gfx options it immediately crashes. No addons fresh install with or without vpn dosen’t seem to matter. Blizz it’s funny None of the other games I play are experiencing these issues.

After this last maintenance I had the same issue with crashing particularly on flight points. I messed with my graphic settings and when I changed the API from DirectX12 to Direct11/legacy it went away and I’ve been crash free since. Might be worth a try.

I too am experiencing this. Last night I even got an 3D acceleration card unable to start. Knowing good and well my PC can run WoW on it’s highest settings I figured this is an WoW thing and not an nvidia thing. Once I logged in it hard froze for like 5 seconds and it was ok. I played for about 30 mins and while flying dc’ed. Tried logging back in and loading screen froze I could hear WoW but then dc’ed after that. This is incredibly frustrating!

Just started this week for me as well. The character selection screen stutters bad, and the first login (no matter where i log in) the game straight up freezes for a solid 5-10 seconds. Frustrating

Haven’t tried switching to DX11, but I’m also stubborn and refuse to take any graphics hit just to fix some lazy screw up on Blizz’s part.

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im having same exact issue! wish blizzard would fix :frowning:

same here login loading issue

Same, during the first log in of the day right after my character loads in to the game, it freezes for about 2-5 secs and then continues normally. Just started a week or so ago!

Yes, having the exact same issue.

Perfect description of what I’m experiencing too. The character screen will hang for a few seconds before populating with characters and once I log in it will have most everything loaded (sometimes my character is the only thing missing) and then it will freeze for 5ish or so seconds before being perfectly fine.

The game doesn’t seem to do this any other time for me just on startup with the first character I log in with. While it doesn’t affect the gameplay at any other point it really feels terrible sitting through two stutterpaloozas when I first log in.

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I’m having this issue as well. Character select has a delay on loading and the game just hard freezes for 5s when I load in. I tried everything including a fresh install, disabling addons, etc. nothing worked.

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Same here, this started maybe 2 days ago. Seems to be getting worse over time too.

I also noticed that the same delay kicks in sometimes when I open the window to check guild chat.

Can you verify if you’re in a guild? This doesn’t happen to my alt that’s “unguilded” and located in Dragon Isles.

I’m not sure. I don’t have an unguilded character that can access the Dragon Isles to check on. It does happen to all 70 characters that are also in guilds.

It doesn’t happen to my unguilded character that’s been parked in Stormwind for the last 5 expansions.

Add my name to the list. On a high end SSD too.

Yep. My pc meet requirements for DF. I’ve done everything to check for stuff and im having this issue.

I wonder if we’ll ever hear anything about this…

Today I could get to the login screen, toon selection. But after selecting a toon and trying to enter the realm it would just freeze. After 5 mins or so it would just go back and say “disconnected” and I would have to log in again. I tried half a dozen times, rebooted, again. No go.

I saw the suggestion for using a VPN. Oddly, that worked for me. What is the deal?

We shouldn’t have to need vpn for this. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Anyway I want to add this: I moved from a high pop to a low pop server (on a toon) and saw some improvement on my end. Issue still there but i’m not sitting there waiting for it all to load and unfreeze as long. It’s like moving from high to low halved the problem or me.

I have a weird theory about this, that I would love some additional input from others on.

Something similar is happening to me, really just on my main character.

I have an addon installed called QuestsChanged, and every time after I have a 5-10 seconds freeze upon entering world, I check that addon output and I am seeing a massive list of quests being completed.

From what I can tell, it’s mostly the questlines that are offered at certain renown levels. This makes sense as to why I only experience this issue on my main, as they are the only one to have completed those quests.

I believe the game is “resetting” these quest completions daily, and then somehow the game is re-checking and completing them upon my first login after reset, which is causing the stutter/freeze.

I am still working on some more testing to see if I can provide any more confirmation, but I can really only test once per day. After the initial login, future logins seem “normal”.

still having this issue