Wow and Free Speech and forum Censorship

Activision entertainment is not the US government.



Not surprising, though. People think the same about Twitter and virtually all social media.

you’re* :slight_smile:


This post is a great example of the cognitive bias known as the Dunning-Kruger effect.

I didn’t see that lmao

Literally no one is saying that

did you just post in the wrong thread It feels like you just posted in the wrong thread.

I hear this argument in the public domain as well.
It’s not about free speech it is about the right to use language to intimidate others to the point where they are afraid to speak, so only one voice is heard.
That’s how it works in countries like Russia and Iran.
So ask why oh why would Blizzard ever oblige themselves to allow anyone to do that to their larger audience.
If anyone wants to talk stupidly, or vulgarly, do it to your parents and see if they don’t censor you with a swift smack to the head.


I hear this a lot lately. Dunno when and why this sentence ever became thing

We should be able to say whatever we want, whenever we want, however we want. If other people get mad, too bad, so sad. If I don’t know you, I don’t like you, and you could die in a ditch and no one but the people that know you would care. People need to remember that. Validation from people you don’t know is a insufferable infliction, as is people that take words to heart especially when it comes from a complete stranger. We are all gonna die one day, hopefully sooner than later. Actions speak louder than words, it’s one thing to say something offensive, it’s another if you take actions based on your views that you have spoken. Censorship is the greatest form of mass control. I mean look at what they did to the slaves, they took away their ability to learn, and if they got caught talking about something the owner deemed they shouldn’t speak on they cut their tongue out. I say, say whatever you want. If it offends someone, oh well, you being offended by what I say offends me. If we weren’t meant to voice opinions, or choose what we believe, or speak we wouldn’t have been given those specializations by whatever, or however we were created. But lets not get off topic. Basically the message that I am trying to convey to everyone who see’s this is fuhck you all no matter if you believe or don’t believe in free speech and censorship.

Ontop of it, banning certain words, and calling them curse/cuss words, is unhealthy especially for children, it ends up becoming a childs first rebellion against their parents. They are told not to say it, get in trouble when they do(for most children). And then when they are alone, they get to use them freely, which just will transition into another rebellion that a parent tells their child no to do. The way the brain works is you become rewarded when you do something you are clearly told not to do, not sure why that is, I believe it is to transition a person to become independent, and think for themselves as they grow.

Yep, and I’m free to have an opinion on that and about what kind of person you are for saying it. I can then spread that opinion using my freedom of speech everywhere it will reach.

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God forbid you to mention the CEO and any of the terrible things he’s done, you’ll get a 4-day forum suspension. It’s absurd.

Exactly. Aslong as we understand each other it’s perfect relationship.

And you have my thanks, for being the one to share our freedom of speech and opinion.

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I don’t know who that is, but die in a ditch Bobby Kotic, and stop trying to half-assed copy my username.

The first amendment does not apply to a forum from a privately owned company.

Please try to understand law and the constitution.

Your rights are not violated because you cannot say the F word on a video game forum. No one goes to World of Warcraft game forums to make vital political messages that must be heard.

Freedom of speech is not needed on these forums because being unable to post something to these forums does not negatively impact your wellbeing.

I hope this clears things up.

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Im also Canadian and your ilk disgusts me and the majority of the country.

Freedom of speech and expression has been weponized under the guise of “diversity/inclusion/equity” however ironically its only one side that enjoys free reign to utter just about anything they want. Both Canada and the US have groups that under mandate, can absolutly restrict and define free and acceptable speech on any platform, public or private.

Dont believe me? Google “Respect for Marrige act” and nite the section where no business may refuse service to same sex couples on the basis of religeous reasons. Bill C30 in Canada is a bill that allowes the Canadian government to censor any internet site or company, public or private for not putting in a pre determined amount of Canadian content.

You wokey types who have created religion out of debased values and government dictates are a sad bunch. Hiding behind “big bizznezz can do what they want…” with the provisio that the business in queation can only do what they want as long as it lines up with the goals of fhe political left.

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Is the Constitution Act of 1982 no longer part of Canadian law?

And did Québec ever get around to ratifying it?

(it was a joke obviously, there is no PART VIII be like referencing the XXXII amendment of the US Constitution)

I don’t keep track of laws of other countries, even the ones I can drive to in an afternoon, so I suppose it could have been amended, but I always found it funny that that phrase was contained so often in the document that patriated the Constitution. I suppose if it is still in there it would have to be amended anyhow now that the titular head of state over in the UK is a king. :grin:

agree with you, if the person feel offended, they should put the filter, sadly they can’t even keep their home safe, and they harassment lawsuits that were happening they pass them into the game politics =(

so now is even more toxic environment, report report cry everyone, “enjoy your ban” you told me my character is ugly! report report, you told me “i am a bad player” report report …

between people are more sensitive, blizzard was full of harassment complaints, and now players have the ability to mess with someone else account. is like going in a car, you feel very safe since no one really know you so you can curse and show the finger to other car drivers. same in the game, you can’t tell who ban you. i got reported because i told in a bg that the team was very bad… and yea we didn’t even get 500 points.

i wonder how people cope when they go to work and the boss tell them they are bad at their job, the report they did is wrong, or get fire for been lazy bad workers etc… do they still cry report to HR, and how unfair is life?