Wow and Free Speech and forum Censorship

yeah i bet your parents paid for that too. lmao

bro is real quite now after i said this. lol

It’s true that online posting does not come with the same risk of consequence as speaking in real life.

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I probably took a wrong turn somewhere. :confused:

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i can keep it PG, but you still get hurt and report it lol

I agree with that. In real life, you will probably get punched. But online, you will get reported. I guess the worst would be to get an account you spent a lot of time on permanently banned. People often say stuff online they would not say to someone’s face lol

Every time I see a bad take on freedom of speech like OP I think of how badly our schools are failing to teach basic concepts.


they punch me, easy law suit lol

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I’m an originalist. I think we should go back to the founders’ intent of settling serious disputes with duels. It would make politics so much more fun. Could you imagine how many Trump would have had to face since 2015? Either he would be the greatest duelist of all time or put to rest after the first GOP primary. Way more interesting.

Then, is your dinner table in a restaurant intended to be a communication to a community?

Both of the analogies were fine, but both were also flawed, as is expected; Analogist - comparable in certain respects, typically in a way which makes clearer the nature of the things compared. Analogy is fine, but is not the same as definition or explanation.

Public schools are absolutely awful. When I was in school there were so few times I thought I was being taught effectively. When I helped my niece with her homework years later, I saw it had just gotten worse. It’s not just that the students aren’t taught critical thinking (one critique of many); it seems like most teachers don’t have the skill either.

If you’re saying people are sensitive, yeah, I agree.

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Not gonna lie, you would have an easy case. But, someone who is walking around in public insulting people deserves to get punched lol.

yeah this is true, but i wouldn’t do that, but if they hit me because they got upset that i was making a point then yeah.

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Public setting. The intended audience grows to anyone within earshot. Privacy is not limited to people invited into your home.

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My brother made a “red velvet” cake using beets. It was delicious!


It actually a violation of free speech to force people or privately owned venues to host someones speech.


Actually, this is easily argued as provocation. It can lower a sentence or even nullify a case, in extremes.

Whoever the owners want. Because that’s how free speech works.


Just for transparency’s sake, I want to reiterate that you still have the right to dispute your treatment after the fact.

Question: why does blizzard allow you to turn profanity filter off?

Because some people can’t follow the rules they agreed to. People have been trying this argument since WoW was released.
