Wow, all these posts about twinks ruining BGs

I post on my twink plenty, this character. But every time I log in it changes my character randomly and I forget to change it.

It was directed at the people that say things like ‘I have twinks so I know’ or stupid stuff like that.

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Yeah I know. Someone knowing about twinks because they have one is so crazy.

Indeed, I think I know…

…a bit about twinks…

…in a few brackets…

…with a decent amount of knowledge…

what about the lower brackets?

or lower yet

…about what goes on.

and how about the lowest bracket

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its all about what bracket you like - try em all

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Eh I have played in those brackets but I never liked the lack of design choices and how low your health was in comparison to the damage/healing you did, how little you could do to counter damage or healing.

However I will say that 49 was really fun with ignore pain when I tried it.

ya the lower the bracket the more the class imbalances are blatantly obvious

It can be fun - but the amount of premades and ppl who abuse ramsteins make it cancer at times.

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Yeah ive heard about ramstein and that is partially why I dont want to go lower than 69 lol

I might now that they are pvp “nerfing” it though…

pfft I know mofos who still abuse that cheese mode trinket in the 60 bracket lol

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eh 69s is not as bad though