Wow, all these posts about twinks ruining BGs

Because heirloom twinks aren’t leveling with them? Level out of one bracket and what’s that? More fully enchanted heirlooms?

Can we stop feigning concern for new players while wearing gear they cannot get?

Battlegrounds were created to pvp. Experience being earned in them was an afterthought and should always be secondary to pvp in bgs.


Are you incapable of acknowledging that twinks and groups of twinks increase the win ratio in a battleground? I have several twinks and I am able to admit that they are strong - depending on spec and gear setup stupidly so.

All I know is Mortal Strike.

You’re the only person I’ve seen in months to have an attack of the vapors over their armory being linked. If it was a plea for attention, it worked.

he does not like the light, it exposes him.

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It is 2019 and Tom had the vision many years ago friends, a classic.

So he’s a Mogwai?

yep, don’t feed him or get him wet.

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There is no such thing as a “max level twink”, nice try though. This is a progression game, for the most part it’s about getting to max level and then gearing up as each tier comes out.

Random BG’s at max level can be quite competitive and they made it so “new” players at max level aren’t completely mowed over by the people that out gear them by a mile.

And to the guy QQing about having his Armory linked and demanding it be removed, you made me laugh pretty hard. Since you’re one of the main Twink advocates I’m pretty sure most people have already looked at your Armory. Having it linked did nothing but save a step from just going to the Armory and putting your name in the search window.
You turning on “Private”, does nothing to stop people from looking at your profile.

So instead of addressing concerns listed in this post and several other twink posts you choose to post vids that have no bearing or say things like “All I know is Mortal strike” hurr durr.


I do not want my armory linked in a defamatory way/topic, simple mathematics.
You can armory search anytime you may feel the need, and yes I am impeccably geared. :100:

Doesn’t look that impeccable to me. Unless the armory is not displaying the str of the high chief trinket or the Kang weapon properly. Or if the Kang weapon proc can stack and has no icd.

The Kang and trinkets are just for nostalgia.
Rest assured there are much better options. :100:

I can assure you my concern for new players is more legitimate than twinks. I don’t care that much about low level PvP in general. I’d rather blizzard didn’t spend resources on it all. Except for the fact that it very well could detract from new people who try it and then avoid it at max.

I also assure you I care more for low level PvP than I care for twinks ego that needs to be stroked by stomping undergeared newbies.

If people think twinks are a legitimate PvP “experience” let them twink against other twinks.

Both at max and before PvP should be about skill>gear and twinks are hilariously the opposite.


If a separated tree falls in the forest do the forums flood with tears?

There you go again picking on someone who has a legitimate concern. Fobbing their opinion off like it does not matter.


Kanajana, read this whole thread through.
There is more than meets the eye in this one lol.

So much about stomping levelers but yet I have yet to see any proof of this outside the broken items that they are already fixing. Each side just keeps spewing out stuff as fact without providing any references towards it. I think i’ll prove what I speak of, I know what I speak of is true and it’s not that difficult to prove it. Show me a twink that two shots and ill show you the other more significant reasons you lost, like it being an arcane mage behind it that would have 4 shot the same dude anyway or a dude that has ram-steins. Why do you think we are completely destroyed by that fury and arms warrior but have no trouble facing that affliction lock? When that same affliction lock learns how to use it’s fears and cooldown along with getting support, rather than standing alone ignoring you, then you have to retreat? When those same warriors fight you again, and you realize the arms warrior uses all its cooldowns at the same time, so you bait cc the arms, kiting while you can, and focus the fury warrior then win? There is much much more to bgs than just gear, decisions and strategy DO matter, and as long as you can’t global the other team(which thankfully next patch won’t be possible) its fairly equal. The other main factor that pushes it to be unequal is premades, premades alone wont stand a chance against pugs which can easy be seen at 120 due to lack of positioning, plays, and knowledge, but then add a small gear advantage and they become unstoppable.

All these people that ‘have twinks’ and never post on any of them.

I’m multi-R1, but it’s on another account and I don’t post on it cus I don’t wanna show off.

The best attempt we have seen is Armory links.
If this “Twink” issue was so wide spread and common, we would be sure to see much more evidence of it.
Literally zero hard facts outside of forum posts claiming the above.