Wow, all these posts about twinks ruining BGs

And not a one I disagree with yet. It’s been back-to-back. Long queue times only to have that exact same group, over and over again, ruining what was the only fun alternative to spamming dungeons that got old expansions ago.

And if the other post with the heart-felt wall of text defending twinks fooled you, queue for yourself; there’s no honour or sense of fairness whatsoever. You will be graveyard camped, spat on, have flags planted on you, etc.

Separate twinks queues from levellers’ queues again. This is unplayable.


Maybe it was a bad night?
Your warrior looks pretty solid, satyr, crusader, gift cloak on current gear.

He doesn’t even realize he’s what players are complaining about. Decent gear with enchants.


There’s no nice way to say this, but unless you’re doing these BGs on a non-twink character, there’s little chance you could empathise. I see you’re one, so you’re from the outside looking in. So, as one of those many people you’re probably steam-rolling in two hits: Yes. It’s been a bad night. One of my oldest avenues of fun in the game is shattered.


How do you know that I do not level through battlegrounds just the same way as you?
I am out here doing the same exact thing as everyone else, playing and leveling.
With more Allied races coming up, it will start all over again. :smile:

Yeah, because I got tired of being the victim. And yet I still am. I’m very aware of it. Like enchanting my heirlooms really fills the gap…


You realize if twinks are removed, a player like you is next?

Enchants are a no-no in those players minds.

And full BoA’s? How freaking dare you wear those when new players don’t have them.


And I’d be happy for that. Are you misunderstanding? I enchanted my heirlooms to fill the gap, not take advantage of undergeared, levelling players.

If I wanted to do the latter, I’d turn my experience off. Now do you get what everyone’s complaining about? If it was just enchants and such, they’d at least be out once they’re 120. These twinks make ruining BGs and PvP gameplay their avenue of fun. You strike me as either not understanding the conversation or advocating it due to partaking yourself.


Three enchants away from the angry anti-twink mob with torches to appear. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It was a bad night, don’t sweat it.


His reply is mind boggling.


I’ve had several of these “bad nights” this week, though. It’s not purely coincidence. It really is a matter of tallying up the twinks at the start of a game to determine its outcome. I’ve been working on a priest as well, had to do the same with them. Admittedly, certain brackets are way worse.

And Floyln, care to explain what’s so boggling about it? If you’re aiming to appeal to majority opinion, I invite you to look at the Battlegrounds forum front page where you’ll find tonnes of similar topics. This is precisely what I meant in that you’re either not participating in these BGs, or that you’re presumably a twink yourself.


Honestly, the misconception that I notice is of players thinking everyone on the other team is a “Twink”.
A small group of friends leveling through the brackets in the best gear they can get + enchants, consumables can really raise the competitive level of a Battlegrounds. As they should, Teamwork pays off!

Players see this and the first thing that pops up is the word “Twink”, because of the misconceptions and confusions.
It is a lot of work to armory every player that is doing well.

I want to preface this in saying that you’re a very pleasant person to discuss this with and that I don’t ever mean to sound insulting, condescending, or any other negative thing.

But with that being said, I actually have been doing precisely that. I’ve been checking the armoury on these characters that are deleting me in two strikes; sure enough, every one that I can remember thus far has been experience capped and damn near BiS with full enchants and all. I still have windows up of players from the last one I was in that I was checking.

I’ve been at it for a long, long time, my friend. I love this game. Levelling a character with BGs on the side just might’ve been my favourite past-time prior to this. My brother brought me into this game doing content like this and we kept to it 'til the day he died and I started focusing more on my mains.

I absolutely promise you, there’s a problem here. Even if you don’t trust my judgement, I say again to look at all the other similar posts on the topic. I’m actually extremely disheartened and not looking forward to levelling my characters of allied races if this is what’s always to be expected from my BG queues - the things that were once the breath of fresh air in a sea of dull dungeon grinding and questing.


Hit 70, get some Epic BC PVP season pieces from the selected vendors with some Honor Tokens. Visit the vendor in Shattrath City for the on-use Trinket ( good one) and anything else you may want.
Tomorrow is another day, get back in there. :smile:


Can you link them here? I’d like to see what we consider twinks.

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Considering this was about six hours ago - and I’m pretty sure I’m not allowed to do that - no. I’ve long since closed those tabs out, and I’m not going to risk possibly breaking a rule or offending one of the linked profiles. If you’ve actually even looked at this forum and think it’s far from reality that I’m telling the truth, more power to you.

But I’ve been in this bloody game over a decade. I know what twinking is. I know how it works. It’s an utter killjoy to levellers wanting to just whack at each other between the questing and dungeons because they’re getting one/two-shot by a small but belligerent minority that gets off too much to killing everyone else’s buzz.


Blizzard understands that the consensus agrees with you. Hopefully they have something cooking that can remedy this and hopefully it will make everyone happy like separation did. I also apologize as it seems all you’re getting is conjecture. It’s not always like this.


Can’t wait 'til they’re sacked. And I don’t envy you for frequenting this place. Are they always so coy and condescending? I think it’s the coy bit that unnerves me most, like it’s just so far from reality that it could possibly be true, yet anyone that’s actually experienced it is either speaking out or washing their hands of the mess. It’s no longer fun.


Who is coy and condescending? I’m simply asking to see a real twink player all the Bgs I’ve done, top players are mostly heirlooms.

I find it best to have some genuine compassion for those with this playstyle. Consider all the circumstances and the true reason it exists in the first place.

All we can do, as I mentioned, is hope Blizzard is cooking something up like separation so everyone wins. It was so much more amazing during the separation periods. These guys could play their BGs against each other (which is what they claim they want) without having levelers in there ruining their experience by doing non value-added things like taking objectives. Levelers can BG without having a guy with glowing weapons with a name like “Expartgamer” in a guild with a name like “Dun wurry we r pro” playing whack-a-mole in the GY while spamming emotes like /spit or /flex and bragging about his amazing PVP skills.

Why is the thought of that not alluring? Every single person got exactly what they wanted.