WoW addiction and its effects to the playerbase

muted, crap response to crap post

Thanks, I suppose?

These ppl never quit

The same ppl upset over covenant choices are the same ppl who had issues with ML , PL , legion legendaries e.t.c. Whats worse is these guys are hysterical who believe everyone wants the same and anyone against are either minority or do not know whats good for them, like really do they know whats actually good for them ?. :rofl:


That’s the thing exactly, things keep happening that upset them clearly showing the direction that the game is going is not the one they want, yet they remain even after CONSECUTIVE DISAPPOINTMENTS.

I already expect that 10.0 rage about how the new xpac system is even more restrictive than covenants and how the game is ruined yet they ll still play it.

says the OP about addiction, after coming back from a long forced vacation with another immediate diatribe against the userbase (which was the reason for the punishment in the first place)


Posting in another legendary Ralph thread.

Good point though. I don’t understand why the people who hate this game so much don’t just play another game. It’s not really healthy to stay with something that raises your blood pressure lol

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Good Sunday morning, Ralph!

Well that’s because the MMO players options are extremely limited and WoW just happens to remain the best MMO currently on the market

ESO is alright but the combat is bung
GW2 is fun, combat is awesome but suffers from poor end game system and the PvP is whacked

Both also don’t have Australian servers so they don’t get a look over

A few of the other things that make player enjoyment tricky is the game has been out for 15 years, a lot of players have experience every single xpac is WoW

Due to this we draw a lot of comparisons from the past and have a pretty good idea of what worked and what didn’t

PvP for instance has almost been reverted back to its WoD state after they tried to change in it legion, we just need the PvP gear and the cycle is complete

I’d wager most people that sound like they hate the game are just complaining because they like the game a lot but things in it are broken so they voice their concerns

I get that point. The more you care about something the more it’ll likely invoke an emotional response when something happens. I just think it’s good to venture out a bit and see what other games are like. I find that playing 1 game for too long always results in burn-out. Be it WoW or any other game.

That’s a good description, because it often becomes clear that their blood pressure keeps getting raised while they are playing the game till they explode.

There’s complaining about flaws and problem and then there’s clearly emotional investment and anger and high blood pressure.

And at the end, there should be a limit, that should not continue forever, saying F this game a few times at bad moments is understandable, making that the norm is not.

It’s been 15 years, we’ve played all the MMOs on the market at this point

This isn’t just due to burn out; it’s due to poor design choices a lot of the time that aren’t friendly to a huge group of players

I think you may be horribly out of touch with mental health practices

I think you should quit the arm chair psychology


To use a real life comparison, let’s say we’re at a job where you’re really enjoying your work and get along with your coworkers. Then one day management flips the script, and you get a new boss, and now the culture shifts. You start dreading to go to work because the environment is unpleasant, there’s a lot more red tape and your boss throws out verbal slurs on the daily. Eventually you realize you have two choices, 1). stay in this harmful environment, or 2). resign. I think what Ralph is saying (in his notoriously offputting way) is why are people subjecting themselves to something they hate so much. Your point is valid because you’re saying there’s no better choice out there. So you feel stuck with option 1.

My personal take is: The Blizz of today isn’t the same as the Blizz of the past, and I think a lot of us need to make the decision on whether it’s worth being outraged all the time or just let our subs speak for itself. I lost faith in Blizz since WoD and only bought Legion and BfA on discount because I felt the game wasn’t worth the full price. Shadowlands is the first time in 6 years that I’m starting at launch, and if my expectations aren’t met, then I’m forever going to keep treating WoW as a game that I’ll only purchase on sale. I’ll let my money speak for itself and go focus on other things.


That is a pretty good analogy of what I am saying but it needs to include that added bit of time passed.
If that environment remains unpleasant or gets even worse and you stay, you can go through it for a year, 2 years, maybe 3 consecutive years with nothing improving but the longer you stay under such environment the more miserable and angry you become that it affects your mental health, there comes a breaking point where you have to just leave for your own sake unless you are addicted to work and always try to find justification as to why you are staying.
Even if your options are limited that breaking point should be reached.

And at the end of the day, a video game is not as essential like a job so leaving it SHOULD be easier since your economic well being doesnt depend on it unless you are a streamer obviously.

So by your own logic, you don’t trust your own judgement?

That explains why you went from calling people Blizzdrones and said you were gonna quit for Star Wars and did a 180 on that earlier on this year and then eventually moved on to covenant threads. No wonder you did this thread about addiction. :thinking:


So can we start expecting posts from a classic undead rogue again also?

Yes, wow addiction is real. So is addiction to alcohol, drugs, food, ummmm propagating the species… Addiction is everywhere

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Link to your source. Also your qualifications for claiming to be a mind reader.

You sound like the unhappiest most antisocial player in the game.

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A lot of people have quit. A lot of people have said they never thought they’d get over their wow addiction, but BfA cured it.

Imagine wanting the game to be fun, instead of being willing to lower your standards each expansion and accepting less content, lower quality content, and more time-gating. Why would anyone want that when they can be like Ralph and come to the forum to make angry, antisocial rants about how the overwhelming majority of players are the problem. If only they would play the way Ralph wants them to play, a way that Ralph has never made any effort to play himself…


See, here’s the problem. The players are right. Ion knows the players are right, because in 6 months to a year he will admit it and change the system to what players have been suggesting it should be changed to. The problem isn’t the players giving feedback. It’s the devs not listening to it.