WoW addiction and its effects to the playerbase

You must not go on the forums of many different games or read very many detailed reviews/suggestions of other games either.

People are like this everywhere, and your basis has very little empirical data to support your main argument.

Passion =/= addiction
Population affects chances of, which wow is high in that regard
People sometimes say things they don’t mean or say things that are overly exaggerated and or taken out of context everyday.

People with actual addictions exist, but I have never met someone that is truly addicted to WoW so the pool must either be so small I never come across it, negligible, or I’m just lucky.

Playing more video games, watching less tv. Does that mean addicted?

Probably because the only good mmos right now are wow and ff14. There’s just not a lot of competition.

Probably because when they compare it to aspects of their real life, they like the escape it brings them. Even though they dislike it, in comparison it is ok.

Myself, I am not addicted to WoW or any other video game and always try to only play video games for 2 hours max in my day. Always shower, shave and keep life as clean as possible and organized. Video games are a compliment.

It’s always weird seeing people who clearly don’t enjoy the game anymore but who refuse to leave.

Personally, I’m unhappy with a lot of individual things in the current game’s design, but ultimately I still enjoy it more than I’m annoyed by it, so I play it for awhile.

Currently, I’m not playing it anymore, because I did everything I wanted to do that’s available in the current patch. But I’ll be back when there’s new stuff for me to enjoy.

BFA cured my desire to play most cases since for the entire duration of the bfa expansion I was maybe subbed 7-8 months only coming back on new patches to make mad gold.