WoW addiction and its effects to the playerbase

in previous posts you have said

However, you are right:

But not for the reason you think, Blizzard is also trying to keep people playing the game so they time gate instead of letting people play then leave. Also, MMOrpgs require endgame content to thrive, it’s why many in the past have had issues and WoW has thrived, because of the raiding scene, PvP, and later mythic +. WoW still maintains to this day one of the best combat systems, raids, and endgame content. WoW has always been competitive, its just more public now.

Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe people don’t like restrictions in a game that’s been opened up more and more each expansion? Not the “tryhards” fault that blizzard introduced the wowtoken, making it easier to get gold. Not the “tryhards” fault that Codex’s and Tomes where created to try and make inscription worth while when glyphs went away.

Freedom to choose does the same thing. Until Blizzard actually makes a decent story that fits their own lore, and doesn’t make everyone in the community roll their eyes at the most obvious plot twists. RPG will remain behind MMO for WoW.