Wouldn't it be shocking

I’m a big fan of consequences and consistence, so I don’t want to have large-scale revivals …in fact I’m totaly against this.

and the retconparty of blizz make it even harder for me, because its the opposite of consistence and consequences.

True… but if they blow Quel’thalas up through collapsing the Sunwell in a mini sundering they do not have to ever redo it. It is the Teldrassil solution to dated assets.

I am sure they would also cook up a reason the Azuremyst Isles get blown up too. :expressionless:

Nothing would be “shocking” to me at this point. If the Four Horsemen showed up to the raid riding in a carousel, and then Sylvanas said
Valkeries! Strike down my foes!!!
And then the Val’kyr tried shooting them off the carousel, but kept missing. And then Sylvanas said
“Drats! I’ll get you next time!” and Bolvar said
“No! We will get YOU Sylvanas!”
And then Khadgar, who’s soul is split into 4986 fragments, showed up to tell everyone that even if they kill Sylvanas, there must always be a banshee queen…
Even if all that happened, it would not be shocking. Or poetic.

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I hope whoever might consider any plot in that vein has, at least, the self-awareness to realize that yet another genocide-driven plot is going to turn the forums into a bloodbath

The draenei leadership self-destructs the exodar in a brave yet futile attempt to stop the invasion. Human and orc leaders look concerned ™ in the cutscenes revealing the fate of the draenei and the sin’dorei. The theme for the dragon soul cutscenes plays in those cutscenes for some reason.

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Which is doubly bad. Not only those who should be there are not there, but also that Jaina and Thrall are denied their opportunity to meet some of those who might be useful for their story progression. Oh well, at least Thrall will talk to Draka. Eventually.

IMO just like with Jaina’s story, the timing is terrible. I personally think that this internal dialogue and stuff should’ve happened during the Legion events. If orcs would participate at least in the Kil’Jaeden patch, if not the rest, that would’ve been a good closure for the draenei-orc conflict. And might be Saurfang dealing with the one who damaged the orcs arguably the most, thus shaping a path to a new future after a closed chapter.

Or at least that’s how I think. :man_shrugging:

I mean, that’s debatable (and if there is a “it’s their story to tell” argument somewhere to be mentioned - let’s just agree to disagree).

Maybe there is no point to try to implement those stories to begin with :thinking:

Sometimes I get a conspiracy thoughts that for some reason some devs desperately want to alter / change / undermine the W3 / early WoW themes. Not sure what for, but I get this “but we are better!” feeling every once in a while. Not sure they ever succeeded though, in making better.

Heh, this was discussed in other thread, but, the PoV of blizz on the topic is brilliant. Like, I have no idea how they managed to come up with it.
But their view was:

That’s something this expansion really allows us to focus on and resolve in a way that will be satisfying for players on both sides.

They talk about “morally grey” and stuff like that, but it does not go further than the interviews and maybe some internal chat during the planning stage.

gl hf

Their opinion on Morally Grey is Blinding Sterile White clashing against Abyssal Void Black. If you mix the two they kinda make grey right?

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