Wouldn't it be shocking

If at the end of the raid anduin/jailer kills slyvanas and poetic justice in a sense that anduin ended the final architect of the fourth war.

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That would be less ‘shocking’ and more a colossal let down after all this build up.

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What do you mean?

I think it’d be more poetic if the forsaken ended up killing her. Not that I expect it to happen.

Sylvanas was obsessed with getting revenge. She modeled a society after a mutual goal of forging that vengeance into a weapon against Arthas. Then she kept going and later became more self-destructive, as revenge-poisoned arcs in stories tend to do, before finally revealing she was backstabbing and betraying her own people before poofing away.

If that revenge-forged people then lashed out at her and brought her down, it would be pretty textbook “destroyed by your own hate/creation.” Bonus cheese points if they all used the Cannibalize racial because then you could say she’s literally consumed by vengeance.


I’m calling it…we have a cinematic where Thrall and Jaina fight Sylvanas…lose, then Tyrande comes and nukes her.

But because blizzard wants to have their cake and eat it too, the soul comes out and gets sent to Bastion by the Arbiter.

I mean it would be disappointing for them to have gone to all the trouble of having her beat down Bolvar, enslave Anduin, and avoid Tyrande’s wrath for her to just get offed in a cutscene by Zovaal’s meat puppet.

Either we defeat her or we don’t, but building her up over the past three expansions just to have the latest big bad kill her in a cutscene would be stupid.

They should just eat her alive like in the Lion King.

Not gonna lie, I had that scene in mind when I wrote it. I think I got it from Benedikt.

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It’s not like anyone can kill this mary sue, after SL she’s either back to the Horde as if nothing happened, or she goes full world of Sylvanas and becomes the supreme ruler of the universe or something. And we’ll never hear the end of it, and how genocide is good just because Sylvanas did it (Well we’re hearing that one already).

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Did she beat anyone of note post WC3, personally, besides store-brand Arthas and a geriatric orc?

Yea, anyone she ever faced.

Including Tyrande, Elune, and the entire Night Elf race.

Sylvanas lost against NW Tyrande/elune. And she didn´t even tried to fight against the WHOLE race, the militar was far away as the WOT happened, and if the night elf´s would be prepared, the horde would have not archieved their goal, it would be a damaging defeat to them, i mean, look to darkshore, the night elfs alone were enough to deal with the horde there. (Not the Warfront, the Scenario of Darkshore, before the Warfront started)

I mean, its get tiresome, even for one where have sympathy for your position…but hell, STOP YOUR MELODRAMATIC CRYING!


If anyone deserves a poetic kill on Sylvanas, it’d either be the Kaldorei or Forsaken, as their the ones who’ve suffered the most from her schemes. Anduin would be more poetic killing Zovaal, since he’s the one who violated his free will.


I mean, in the end, zoval ordered the burning of Teldrassil and the fourth war as part of his grand scheeme to funnel their souls into the maw. In order to defeat him, it would be really ironic if Elune enter the fight personally to destroy Zoval once and for all, or she would even fight zoval and destroy him for good. Will not happen, i know, but it would be ironic.

I mean, in other words “Don´t mess with favorits of another god”

Not as of 9.1.

Yea, and how long should I wait for them to be prepared?

And the Worgen, and it took them an entire expansion and the Horde still has Ashenvale.

Read again…its not about the warfront, but the start scenario, there were ONLY night elves there.

They werent prepared, thats the reason its called blitzkrieg, you hit an unprepared enemy, this is a tactic almost impossible to defend yourself, in such a way, the Axis powers take almost all of europe in under 3 years, blizkrieg is a powerfull instrument to defeat an enemy before he could prepare themself.

So in other word, one country defeat almost all of europe, include powerfull nation like france, almost great britian and even the Russian…in under 3 years.

Yea, and I’m still waiting for them to be prepared and do something, oh wait they’re all dead.

night elves are the only race in this entire setting in which the dead one can deal a killing blow even to an godly being like archimonde, dead means nothing for them…and like i said, stop criyng. You lost almost all of the simpathy…its get really really tiresome.

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Oh so being obliterated in the maw doesn’t either? Also are you aware that wisps have been retconned?

Not before the Night Elves get atleast 1 positive development. I’ve been waiting for over 4 years now, I bet it’s coming any day!!!

They were never retconned…the night elfs in darkshore denied the call of the Val’Kyr and transformed their souls directly into whisps and attack the val’kyr and the Hordeplayer …so no, its not Retconned, its still there.

Even in bfa the storys, they turned their souls into whisps and defend their brother and sister.