Wouldn't it be shocking

Says who? She couldn’t defeat her even with the Night Warrior, she even struggled against Nathanos when he was at more than 10% hp.

Of course with these writers in charge, how else are they going to let her escape justice from commiting worse crimes than Arthas?

I’m saying that Elune had all of her people killed and most obliterated for Sylvanas and the Jailer.

in lore exist not such things LIke…HP-bar, i remember arthas the lichking, 10% boom, all of us dead…because he only played with us, or argus.

Also she mopped the floor with Nathanos easily both times she fought him. Nathanos only escaped the first time because of plot convenience.

“Any last words, priestess?”

-> Malfurion intervenes to save her

Then Nathanos gets everything he wanted and leaves on his own accord.

In the pre patch, he was basically mocking her to kill him so that he can meet with Sylvanas.

yeah…he said this, and then everything gots dark (Tyrande)…she breaks with no problem the chain of domination (you know, jailor magic) from the val’kyrs (empowered by the maw) and killed one of them, you know, we player fight against them, 20 player fight against them…and she killed one, in a single attack.

He said that because he got off a cc chain…he then was gonna ATTEMPT to get a killing blow on Tyrande. Doesn’t mean he would’ve killed her. Or even could have.

Also literally any bad guy ever says that and then gets their a$s kicked so

here, she was never even touched by the chains, they tried it, but the spell broke instantly on her armor.

i mean, everything seems to be affected by the chains…expect a single nightwarrior, who is litteraly immune to this kind of …Spell.

Sigh … if Tyrande is not going to be their first hand, just have Thrall and Jaina make good on Thrall’s promise and bring the Banshee “Alive” to Tyrande after Zovaal predictably abandons her. She’s essentially doping on borrowed power anyway, so if he cuts her off she’s not going to be that powerful.

Seems like a bugged version of the fight to me, she’s supposed to be chained up there.

Anyway, I’m tired of arguing. You made your points, I made mine. Nathanos got away with everything he wanted, and even got his ride to the maw as he wanted.

I’ll not rest until the Night Elves have a positive moment in their story.

I think there’s a very good reason why they put Thrall and Jaina in there, because they’d easily forgive her.
People are seriously deluding themselves if they think that Sylvanas would lose in any shape or form. And Blizz knows very well why they conveniently take Tyrande out of the maw for the Sylvanas raid, and not let her be part of it.

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in no real version she was ever chained…it´s broke instantly…even in the life version.

But as I said, I’m tired of arguing about this for now.

There are other things that bother me about this whole Nathanos thing.

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You know the reason Jaina and Thrall are involved in that fight? Because they can create the platforms the players are using to chase Zovaal in phase 2 (out of Ice and Earth). That’s the reason. They are literally just a damned fight mechanic as far as we can tell atm.

even in this version you posted…the broke spell almost imideatly because this chains are far to weak to even try to hold a night warrior…an avatar of elune´s wrath.

No! They are there because they are gonna forgive her…shush.

I mean one of them got sent assassins by Sylvanas that could’ve killed them and their family.

And the other one’s long dead family member got turned into a zombie to specifically kill them by Sylvanas.

Totally forgiving people.

tbf, that means almost nothing in this days XD blizz if they want to…will bring such a story^^

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Reminder that Jaina also forgive the Horde in BfA for no reason at all, just a sudden 180 change in character.

Yea, but you have to ask yourself why Tyrande was in the maw for an entire patch, and then suddenly for the Sylvanas raid they have her leave the maw and move on from justice.
Tyrande out of anyone, 3 years of Night Warrior build up turns into absolutely nothing.

They must have some big disgusting redemption planned for Sylvanas, in which she totally escaped any form of justice or consequences for her actions.


Btw JUST came out in the PTR that there’s a hidden phase in the fight where a portal to Stormwind appears and then Genn appears through it to make sure to forgive Sylvanas, yes yes.

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For no reason?

She forgave the Horde because that’s literally her character traits. She gets mad at them, then forgives them, happens again and again. That’s frankly not outta character.

I believe it right away! XD