Would you still play WoW if Todd Howard directed?

Yes, it would just work.

If a similar game came out, id probably try it

Microsoft suddenly introduces a warcraft game where you gotta fight the orcish horde in the first war.

Are we so out of ideas about outrage that we’re now making up hypothetical scenarios?

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Fallout is a really great concept but a really crappy game. Starfield is just No Man’s Sky with none of the exploration but you’re a fallout fanboy.

I played Fallout 76 and wanted to like it, but it just did not work. I love the whole “what if the future predicted in the 1950s lead to nuclear armageddon,” it’s a brilliantly created world. It has been a very crappy game though. The original 2Ds might be okay, I haven’t played them. Everything from Bethesda sucks though. It’s the coolest world with the absolute least good gameplay.

So if they bring this guy to wow, I expect the story to maybe get better but the game to be worse. That’s exactly the opposite of what I’d like to see.

the new cinematic for the expansion starts with Thrall doing a voice over

War… War never changes…

i don’t want to set the world of fire plays in the distance

The old gods aren’t robots, they are synths!!

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Im still amazed Bethesda never fired him.

Just curious but why would they fire a guy for making games that break records and earns awards?

Has he done something I’m not aware of that makes him a bad person?
I don’t keep up with the politics of the game industry, just play the games.

Yes, and don’t every expansion will also introduce a plethora of new bugs that will never be fixed, gradually making for a more and more unstable experience, and all voice actors will be fired and replaced by the 3 people who did all the Skyrim voices.

Also every raid boss will be Thomas the Tank Engine

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i totally would ! why?
it just works
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Bethesda make a new elder scrolls game challenge (impossible)

World of Warcraft: Special Edition

Followed by,

World of Warcraft: Anniversary Edition

He hasn’t done anything particularly egrigious (that we know of) but he’s a very deceptive person who sells games pretty much entirely via charisma and letting the modding community have their way with his games.

Every game has bugs that have existed since Oblivion. Most dungeons tend to be copy/paste jobs reusing prefab environment blocks. Most games have like 3-5 voice actors, plus maybe a couple fir unique npcs, and they generally don’t even try to change their voice from character to character, so it’s not unusual to enter a room and find 3 people talking with the exact same voice.

More directly Todd, he often misleads people, such as how he claimed such bold stuff like, if you see a planet you can land on it, despite said planets being fake and you cannot land on it, neglecting the fact that most star travel is done via fast travel, and heavily implying that you could land anywhere on a planet and explore the whole thing, when in reality you get to choose between a handful of pregenerated landing sites and explore a few hundred square meters.

Then there’s the the fact that he 5 on the modding community to fix the game, and that whole fallout 76 preorder stuff being riddked with misdirection, misleading people on the details, trying to cheap out on it etc.

Basically he’s done nothing big wrong, but people are getting tired of his ways. But Bethesda doesn’t care because that entire fanbase is super apologetic and gives him another chance every dang time, so until he starts losing that fanbase and keeps raking in the money, he ain’t going anywhere.

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No, because inventory management would be hell.

You are now encumbered, so you can’t charge any more. You at now encumbered, you can’t flung giant balls of fire anymore.

Thank you.
I’ve been playing the Elder Scrolls since Arena. So me buying the next version is pretty much a guarantee unless it’s something way off base. Like a totally different genre kind of off base.

Never even heard of this man before today really. So I’ve not heard him say anything.

Not sure if he’s making all the decisions or not at Bethesda, but if he is, maybe he can allocate a few more pesos for voice actors. Honestly, I’ve not noticed if that is the case in FO4 and don’t remember if it was in any of the other games before. Could have all been the same person and I just didn’t notice.

I’m not interested in Starfield, but making an infinite galaxy to explore with infinite unique planets sounds like a lot of texturing and terrain work. Not sure that would make it to market fast enough to be viable really. Infinite is a lot. Some of those planets are probably going to just be background filler you can’t make it to or land on.

Honestly I don’t know what the full situation with Starfield is as I’ve not played it. But I think people were hoping Starfield would be more No Mans Sky, the current version where the game is actually good with true free flying across the largely procedurally generated and well populated universe, complete with just about every promise that was made about it, and less No Mans Lie, the launch version where most of the features were made up on the spot during interviews and didn’t actually exist in the game.

You’re saying it as if we haven’t had the same expansion every couple years released since Legion.

Yeah. Next question.