Would you still play WoW if Todd Howard directed?

Since Cataclysm is more like it.

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Nothing against Todd, but I’m never going to trust Bethesda to release a game that isn’t ruined by bugs and poor optimization on launch which will never be fixed because “just download the community hotfix mod”.

I’ll say it again. To my mind Fallout is the absolutely best 5/5 world in it’s conception. It’s just the execution is like a two. If I could play an mmo in the fallout world that didn’t insist on powered armor and the cruel hard fact that everything you own is falling apart just by logging in, dying you might say, every minute you spend in game.

If it was like wow but with the Fallout world, I would dig that. Because I really like the fallout world, I just think Bethesda is kind of poison over it’s properties. No other game company owns so many IPs that I “should like,” but they are all the same and that same I am not down with.

I’d love to see a fallout game taking place half before the apocalypse (so we understand THAT world) and half after (so we understand THAT world). I’d be there for that as long as it wasn’t a glorified first person shooter. I suck at first person, so really I’m never going to play these games unless they alter the ways that you can play.


God he’s such a hack. There’s no game designer I’ve held more resentment for than Todd Howard besides maybe Dennis Dydack, Randy Pitchford or maybe Tomonobu Itagaki.

Todd is the worst of them all, he develops games seemingly without ever having played one since the late 90’s.

doesn’t help that gamers literally feast on his poop as if he’s created the taj mahal every godam time. and if you try to criticize a bgs game the people just jump through hurdles to defend a complete rehashed flavorless aggressively mediocre turd like starfield

…we havent.

mechanically we pretty much have had the exact same expansion.

WQ…rinse repeat, M+ rinse repeat, Raid rinse repeat…over and over and over and over and over.

The previous iterations were new patch new zone, new rep, new grind, new currency, rinse repeat.

over and over and over.

Yet there were startling differences.

Class Hall campaigns/artifact weapons.

Azerite Gear


New talent trees for DF. Resto Shaman has some major changes to how it plays, for example.

This is quite different from literally releasing Skyrim 17 different times.

Having played an unmodded version of Starfield;

  1. He has lost a lot of what made him a good game director
  2. WoW couldn’t do much worse