Would You Rather Play Earthen or Nerubian?

o ty

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Me but with Hazbin Hotel lol

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I would rather play a Hozen.



One is the third low budget recolor of dwarves and as it stands now I won’t buy the next expansion, because it looks incredibly cheap.

Well and as for the other… ugly af, sry. Just not my taste. :sweat_smile:

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Two nerubian tanks during taunt off:


Earthen so I can go back to Horde and still have a Stoneform equivalent. Since it’s the most powerful racial in the game’s history, right now.


Murloc. On the whole, I’d prefer it to either, and I wouldnt have said that once upon a time.


But really the answer is Gnoll.

Then maybe spider people… But far below the earth below the trogs and the Kobald and murlocs sure I’d make an earthen.

And immediately delete it and hope blizzard feels that virtual spiteful punch in the gut.


Screw your rock dwarfs.

They could have done a number of interesting races but chose the laziest and easiest low effort low hanging fruit for a stupid second neutral.


i don’t think nerubian is a playable race so i don’t understand the question

I’d rather they’d gone with ogres for Horde and furbolg for Alliance.


It’s hypothetical.

If you could play as either Earthen or Nerubian, which one would you pick?

Assume Racials are perfectly balanced :smiley:

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Neither I’d pick Saberon so I can have a cat-like Warlock. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


We got plenty of dwarf’s so yes Spider folks sound good to me. Also give Horde Ogre’s.

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I’m with you on that. I was really hoping their heritage set might be something like that. But it seems that is not the case… hopefully we can get it somehow.

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If they add Ogres to the game, they should lock the accounts of everyone who requested it so they can play nothing but Ogres.

Because nobody’s going to play one of those damn things for more than an hour. It’s a massive waste of dev time.

This might have merit if Dark Irons had been a Horde race, like they should have been.

But since Horde doesn’t have a Dwarf equivalent, a neutral version is needed so that everyone has access to a debuff removal racial.

Admittingly I do like the new Nerubian look. Would totally try one out.

Alternatively just remove the faction barrier completely and we wouldn’t need to worry about this.

As long as they do so by deleting the Alliance, fine. It’s the only way we’ll ever get Horde stories again instead of everything being centered around the Alliance like it has been the last 7 years.

They are never deleting the alliance.

One can also exaggerate. :sweat_smile: Anyway, I haven’t forgotten the entire Sadfang Saga, to which they dedicated a whopping 3 HD cinematics, or the whole Sylvanas stuff, who should have stepped down half an eternity ago but just won’t as the dev waifu.