Would You Rather Play Earthen or Nerubian?

Nerubians don’t fit the necessary mold to be player characters. Player characters have to be bipedal, and gear has to work with them.

That said, I can’t say I’m hyped for Earthen either. They’re just dwarves without the curse of flesh. I’m sure they’ll fit the theme of the expansion but they aren’t a race I’m exxactly hyped to be able to play as.

If it HAS to be a Titan-forged race, I’d honestly rather have Vrykul.

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So my option is Dwarf light or something that actively sets off my arachnophobia? Good thing I’m not scared of Dwarves…yet.

Dwarf heavy, actually. Rocks are heavier than flesh :smiley:


Sad to say earthen are my preference. Nerubians would have awful transmog options.

I would be sold if they can get the machine speaker outfit. :robot::+1:

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I have no interest in playing a Nerubian, personally.

And although I didn’t ask for it, I am looking forward to making a bearded dwarf woman. Although, I wish I could just give my female dwarf paladin a beard instead.

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Speaking of which, would your speaking machine character speak to a machine speaker?

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Neither tbh, we already have dwarves. Nerubians would be too much work in lore and character models. Naga as a playable race or even Centaur (didnt say it wouldnt be work either) would be much more original and ground breaking for the DV team imo :v:t5:

If there’s a Nerubian that looks like Elise I’d be all over that.

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It depends for me. I’m a roleplayer so I only make characters if I can build a story around them. So it will depend on what I connect with about the race.


Probably not with gnomish although we’re both children of Mimiron. :robot:

Dwarves are cool but I don’t care for another flavor of them.


If i had to play one, earthern.
If one was added to the game, nerubian. We dont need a third dwarf.

If there are friendly Nerubians, you can be sure there will be a reference to Charlotte’s Web.

If we should be so fortunate to play as Nerubians of some sort, despite their bestial and fearsome appearances, I may make a healer.

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At this time I don’t want to play either an Earthen or Nerubian to be honest. I am not sure what either brings to long-term game play. Allied Races don’t even get starting zones.

Wait until the reveal that Nerubians actually are Earthen.

Earthen for sure. Dwarves are my favorite.


Nerubian, if the choice presented itself, but here I am… high on that hopium that we get Naga one day.


Maybe the horde will bring some of the northrend nerubian to meet with these nerubian.

I would love to play a Nerubian that’s just like the one we get from the Costume Wand during Hallow’s End. They wouldn’t do that though because they would either have to find a way to give them some sort of mog, or just keep them naked, and seeing how Dracthyr went down in regards to mogs, I doubt they’d do that again.