Would you rather have

I’d rather the factions just not ever have to interact with each other outside of pvp ever again. Shes honestly so boring at this point. Dont tread on me hordies


Sylvanas should never be redeemed in the Alliance eyes. That is an impossibility.

Why does it matter?

Both choices are horrible, I’d rather we stop giving blizzard any ideas of what we might like about this issue and seeing how they want or plan to try and crawl out of the hole they made for themselves.


Have bronze dragons make her living, good and Alliance again with memory wiped to pre-Third War state XD

i dont think it matters if we give ideas, the ending is probably already written

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Neither. She has nothing to be apologetic about and the Garrosh 2.0 route will just lead to everything being Sylvanas fault and the Horde will be off the hook because Anduin said so because “We were just fallowing orders” and than well all get to be bland generic good guys like Anduin. Won’t that be fun?:expressionless:

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Neither will happen. She’ll kill-steal Azshara then give us the old “Follow me. Into the abyss.” And we’ll be allll groovy.


Same thing with dear ol’ Grom. He got redeemed (somehow) into this cool martyr hero guy, Yrel got corrupted into this unlikable brainwashed fanatic, yay for faction balance.

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Did you miss all the other prominent Orc leaders that were killed for being eeeeviiiiill?



Garrosh got the cop-out of being corrupted by the Sha. I’d much rather no such thing happen, no evil spirits, no Old God or Void manipulation, just Sylvanas being Sylvanas with no apologies for it.

Let her be the conniving manipulator she always has been. Let her just bow out and say “Fine, you horde idiots think I’m wrong, you deserve your fate.” She takes those loyal to her and vanishes to who knows where, to return to menace us at some other time.

I realize this isn’t very satisfying from a “punishment for her crimes” perspective for us, but at this point I don’t feel like there is any punishment that will satisfy us all, so I think she’s better off continuing on as a new major player in the adversary department for WoW.

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garrosh was not corrupted, he was merely using it as a weapon


Yeah, Garrosh was so stubborn he actually out-prided the sha. That’s how strong his willpower was.


Like Fandral, Benedictus, Leyara, Melris Malagan, Cordana, Sira, Delaryn, Edwin Van Cleef, etc?

Its not like the Alliance is unfamiliar with characters going evil.

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Have at you!

Between the two options Redemption is better just for not being MoP 2.0, but as others have said something Option 3 would be better.

Rather sad though that we’ve been painted into this corner where so many of the foreseeable outcomes anger significant portions of the players.

Can Blizzard pull this off who knows, but the track record of stuff that could have been good if they reviewed it and changed the scenario a bit such as ending of StarCraft 2 doesn’t inspire confidence.

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Half your list are people who were evil when introduced.

Hey what a coincidence - same with orcs!

You need to make up your mind as to which claim you want to pursue. Are you a special sufferer because your characters were introduced as fodder or because they were turned into fodder later. Right now you seem to be trying to insist on both at once. While we’re at it, would you mind explaining to me how characters like Van Cleef or. . . a Stormwind Guard count as racial or faction? leaders?

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Redemption is BS. She did a lot of no-no shenanigans and should be held accountable for it.

Garrosh 2.0 is also BS. Unless we skip straight to the non-raid death part of Garrosh. I mean, I want her to die, but I don’t want her to be a raid boss.

The only way she would be able to become a raid boss is if she’s greatly empowered by Xal’atath or some other thing, but that’s a textbook case of Garrosh 2.0.

Regular Sylvanas is just not raid-tier power levels, let alone final boss of a tier (Despite being blessed by the “Rule of cool” gods of plot, remember, she’s a banshee. Those aren’t nearly as powerful as liches and whatnot, even when paired with archery skills.)

But oh well, we had Kargath as a raid boss, so maybe that doesn’t really matter.

No you need to stop projecting onto me what you think it is I want.

You got me all wrong, chief. I don’t care about the suffering angle here. Orcs are awful. Whining about orcs being awful is silly. Lots of other races and characters have been awful. It is equally silly to whine about them. Thinking your faction has had a negatively biased representation for having awful characters and/or races is super silly. Its what Warcraft was based on.

For super duper extra special clarification here: I would like the race and faction of my current choosing to do more awful things, not less. Like the good ol’ days when everyone was a jerk.

Not really, no. Guy said “orcs”. Plural. In WoW we’ve killed one(1){uno} orc leader. Figured they were already breaking premise a bit so I ran with it. And if their intent was to complain about orc leaders from games prior to WC3? :eyes: