Would you rather have

Definitely not Garrosh 2.0. But redeeming Sylvanas in this expansion would be too soon. Her redemption should come many expansions from now, probably in death, when it is remembered how she became the Banshee Queen and that she had been destined for the peace of a hero for the 970 years before that. (age is still a point of contention but you get the idea.)


Doesn’t sound like they are going for a raid boss death, and it sounds like she’s gonna be around for a very very very long time:

“She’s an interesting character and she’s a character beloved not just by our playerbase but by our developerbase as well,”

“I definitely have a connection with her in a lot of different ways, and her just ending up as a raid boss feels like a bit of a letdown to me.”

“Sylvanas’ destiny is to be found out and discussed by the player base, but it would be dismissive to think she’ll just go down as another raid boss, because she’s a little bit more than that.”

“Does that mean you will not fight her?” he added. “Not necessarily true either. The reality is you can fight her every day of the week in Grommash Hold, in a raid, right now. But I do think there’s a lot more to Sylvanas’ story that hasn’t been told yet.”

Perhaps those nice Forsaken chaps will rebel and eat her. Some of them have to be sore over the Felstone debacle.

A Good War and the Elegy said she was, like, the strongest member of the Horde and able to match Malfurion / Tyrande

“I am hoping for Redemption.”

“I don’t need her to be Warchief, though. I just want her back as the Leader of The Forsaken, where she belongs.”


I choose option #3:

Both factions decide to imprison her on a throne of cinders in the ruins of teldrassil. Throw in some old god whispers and a bunch of quests to go visit the mad queen. Sprinkle some bolvar ashes, and a cooky sylvanas worshipping forsaken cult, and you got yourself a whole new expac villain. Very subtle, very blizzard.

But in all seriousness, I’d like to see both factions condemn her actions, and have the Horde remove her and her supporters. I’d prefer if the Horde got to do this on their own without the help of the Alliance, while fighting a losing war. And if that isn’t possible, then Garrosh 2.0 it is.

Depends on the precise nature of each choice. I have no preference, depending on how well done each consideration is. Though I will say redeeming her would be significantly harder to pull off well.

She needs an execution and a complete and total removal from all Horde leadership power, including the Forsaken, permanently. Whether it’s her final death or not, I don’t care. But her special eject button needs to be completely annihilated and she needs to be vulnerable and culpable for any future evil actions she is 100% certain to act upon.

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My expectation is we are getting an Undead and Night Elf factions, and all four factions are going to be more reminiscent of their Warcraft 3 counterparts. I also thing that, after BfA, there is going to be less restrictions on cross-faction interactions.

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As much as I want to kill her myself, I could settle for this.

God I wish.

I’d be surprised but I have serious, serious doubts Blizzard is going to take night elf and Forsaken players and cart them off to a third and fourth faction.

I feel that would be an absolute nightmare just from a logistical measure. Like how would their questing work? Would an undead be Alliance and Horde and can quest anywhere?

Would it only be the these two races or would all races suddenly find themselves factionless? Could a troll run around Ironforge taking quests?

I mean, short of a second full scale world revamp, I can’t see it working. Not without hilarious moments like taking a quest in Redridge and listening to Keeshan talk about the damn dirty orcs, as you yourself are a orc.