Would you rather have


I dunno’, she probably has to go but retreading old ground isn’t something I’m interested in. It’d feel like a copout if Sylvanas was redeemed after doing something so violently abhorrent but it’d induce so much fatigue in me all at once if we just turned Sylvanas into Garrosh and had ‘another’ civil war.

If there were a third option, I’d like to suggest; Thrall and Saurfang walk through the door with a long winded reprimand. She shrugs, says ‘if you can do better, do it’ and hands leadership back to Thrall, or hands it over to Saurfang, then goes back to leading the Forsaken, or leaves to distant shores and lives a pariah’s life where she is without trust or ally to call on or manipulate.

What I posted above is pretty flat, but it reflects my feelings on BFA as a whole. I have never been less enthused about WoW until now. I’d take a tone deaf ‘Draenor is free!’ incomplete ending to get us out of this story and onto something else, rather than spend one more minute in this hellish quagmire that is the Horde narrative.


That’s not how the question is supposed to be phrased. There is a proper format for these things. You give us the question of choosing between something we want and ought to have, or a raid tier.

Posters these days. No respect for tradition.


Garrosh 2.0 is really Kael’thas 8.0. It’s hardly tolerable at this point. Redemption is just as bad, if not worse, because many see her as either past redemption or not needing redemption. I’m looking for door #3, and breaking a hole through the wall if their isn’t one.


She needs to be removed from Warchief in a Questline and killed then when her Valkyr revive her she should appear in 2 Raid Encounters in a single phase for each within the Final Raid of BfA(with Locus Walker summoning her true abomination form during the last phase his Raid Encounter which should be the Final Boss Fight).

Getting lightforged.


Head put on the spikes of Orgrimmar.


I don’t want her redeemed and forgiven of what she’s done. I want her to actually learn something of value. Come to see herself as actually part of the Horde and work to continue Thrall and Vol’jins vision of the Horde.

And I want this revelation to be completely one-sided to Alliance continue to hate and try and kill her. Keep this hate train going on forever.


No punishment. She burned an enemy capital to the ground, she deserves a parade.


The latter.

I would rather have her exiled to a far off place then have either of those things.

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WoD retconned out of existence.


Ideally none of these options should had ever been taken into consideration, but after Teldrassil, Garroshing her is the only way to put an end to the character with some modicum of mercy (Kerriganing her is just so much worse…)


I’m morbidly curious how Blizzard would go about writing Sylvanas being redeemed in the eyes of both the alliance and the horde. If you take player belief out of the picture, how bad or insane would the writing have to get to pull that off?


I would say something along the lines of her returning to her normal self, normal senses, and normal emotions.

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I have been wanting Sylvanas deader than dead since WC3 TFT. Hated her since her then, still hate her now. I know she is not going to die, but I can dream!


I suppose this would be the closest to what I would prefer to happen. But, I didn’t get to kill Garrosh, personally. So… maybe not do that.

Unless Tyrande is going to take Thrall’s place as kill-stealer. I’d be ok with that.



if she got her normal emotions back, wouldn’t she just go insane with regret over everything she has done, and possibly just commit suicide…again.


Certainly possible, but certainly not necessary. Instead of not eating pork maybe she wouldn’t eat anything roasted.

Sylvanas getting all the blame is a cop-out to begin with. Either scenario basically is a Garrosh 2.0 in terms of outcome, which would make zero sense considering the stuff that’s happened so far.

But the Horde is a player faction, so anything logical wouldn’t exactly be fair to the playerbase.